Should I tell her?

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Rainbow dash was walking in her room back and fourth, thinking of fluttershy. "Omg, you are so pretty" rainbow thought in her head. "That's it, I'm gonna tell, no, no, NO!. It should be a secret.

"Hey rainbow dash, can I come in" a voice knocked at the door.

"Sure" she said sad.

Twilight sparkle came in dashies room and notice she was upset.

"Hey, are you still upset about fluttershy?" She began.

Rainbow didn't give a response, but she was blushing. "I'm gonna talk to fluttershy ok," she said as he walked out of her room and was looking for her Crush.

One fluttershy got to her house, she tried knocking but their was no response. Rainbow got upset until she looked across the street, seeing her holding lots of shopping bags and dropping them.

Rainbow dash was waiting at the door where it is easier to communicate. She gave up and was gonna help fluttershy with her bags until she sees someone with orange hair and red skin. Fluttershy's eyes caught her eyes and stared at him. He stared at her.

"H - hi, wh- what is y- your name?" Fluttershy started.

"I am Macintosh, you are" he said handing his hand out.

"Fluttershy" she said.

"Do you need a helping hand?"

"Yes please".

Big Mac and fluttershy was walking to fluttershy's house, with all the bags. So far, none of the bags ripped or got dropped. He was a really big help.

Fluttershy just broke rainbow dashes heart. Her eyes got watery and she cried all the way home.

"Rainbow dash?" Fluttershy notice her crying and wanted to fix her problems.

"Fluttershy" Mac started " shs needs to deal with her own problems".

"Ok then"

Pinkie pie was on the sidewalk hold a sigh saying " buy one and get one free or try a sample and get three free"

Pinkie pie notice rainbow dash and was showing off the sign. " Look, try one and you don't have to pay for it, or buy one and get one free"

"Thanks" she said awkward and took a cupcake then left."

"What wrong?" Pinkie pie said skipping g along with her.

"I don't wanna talk" she said walking faster.

Pinkie pie stopped where rainbow dash was at. "Fine, I won't tell anyone you are upset. EVERYONE, RAINBOW DASH IS UPSET AND YOU GUYS NEED TO FIGURE OUT WHY SHE IS MAD!!!!!, By the way rainbow, YOUR WELCOME!!!!!!!

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