Hugging life

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Fluttershy was with Mrs. pie walking her to her mother's car outside since she called her and said she was ready to go.

"All set" The doctor let fluttershy run to her mom while she had tears in her eyes.

"Mom" she said crying and hugging her and breathing heavily. "I missed you".

"I missed you too" she whipped a tear from her eye and putted her glasses back on and yelled at her. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLOM!"


"I TOLD YOU NOT TO GET A BOYFRIEND! HE GOES WITH YOU THAN TAKES YOUR MONEY, THEN TRIES TO RUIN THE EARTH" She got her waddle stick and hitted her on the head a few times. "LETS GO!!!" She grabbed her daughter's hand and dragged her to the car.

"That's not a way to treat a kid" one of the kids walking with another nurse thought.


"I CANT BELIEVE I HAD YOU!" She yelled more when they where at her house hitting her more than  "WHY CAN' T I HAVE SOMEONE NICE AND SWEET AND SHY!"

"But I am nice and sweet and ki--"

"LEAVE, PACK UP YOUR STUFF AND LEAVE!!!!!" She pointed her finger at the door and the homeless girl got her suitcase, and left. "DONT COME BACK!". Fluttershy was never sadder than ever, her mom didn't want her no more and had to live somewhere else with someone special who won't hit their child like that.


"Rainbow dash" The nurse, Neon Lights, walk in the room papers and scanning through them. "It looks like you are ready to go".

'Finally' Rainbow dash thought.

"So, do you want me to walk you out or are you ok?" Dr. Light told her as she shook her head as a no. "Good Luck!" He waved.


Rainbow dash had never ran faster when she started running home. She slammed opened the door and run upstairs to her room and pick up her phone. "Fluttershy, please pick up please." She hoped.

Her heart felt like it shattered when Fluttershy didn't answer her call. "Fluttershy... No" Rainbow said dropping herself on the floor. "I failed"

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