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Behind the door was a lavish house from my dreams. It was open plan with a large kitchen, leather sofas and a garden with a pool. To each side of the first area there were corridors, which I guessed led off to other rooms and to my left a floating staircase which led to the second floor.

"Sit down." Jimin said as he ran up the stairs. Slowly I made my way to a sofa and sat down, being engulfed by the soft leather. He returned a few minutes later with an incredibly large hoodie and a toothbrush.

"Wear this, it's big on me so should be even bigger on you. Here's a toothbrush, help yourself to using anything in the bathroom. It's the last door upstairs." I nodded smiling faintly.

"Thank you Jimin."

"Don't mention it. But you're going to stay here until you can actually afford a good place, which isn't owned by a creep. Okay?"

"But- "I started

"No but's. You're going to stay here." I nodded, partially out of fear. "There is a spare room second door on the right. I think you'll like that room." I nodded and left to go take a shower.

 I quickly found everything, towels, a hairdryer and new soap. It all smelt like him. I spent a good 20 minutes scrubbing off the stench of weed and whatever else may have gotten on me. I wiped the mirror and looked at myself. The hickey was bright and large and prominent. In fact it was a trail of multiple hickeys. I would have to wear so many turtlenecks this week. I put on the hoodie, it fit me well, reaching my mid-thigh. Too tired to do anything else, I brushed my teeth and hair, leaving it wet.

I counted the doors on the right. There were 4 doors and mine was second door from the stairs. I knocked just to make sure before opening it. I was stunned by the room inside. It was simple but so pretty. It had old fashioned wood plank flooring with a large white rug. There were two large windows behind a window seat which had a cream cushion to sit on and a blanket folded at the end. There was a large double bed with plain white sheets, which looked incredibly inviting. Opposite the bed was a natural wood chest of drawers and beside it another set of doors which opened up into a generous closet space, with shelving on one side and a hanging area the other.

"Is it alright?" I jumped due to his unexpectedness, causing Jimin to chuckle.

"Yes, it's really nice." He walked towards me as a lock of my hair fell into my face. He picked it up and pinned it back behind my ear.

"Hmmm, didn't peg you for someone who'd have freckles." He studied my face.

"Just a few." I smiled, looking towards the floor, while pushing up my glasses which had been threatening to fall of my face any second.

"Well, sleep well." He said as he walked across the hall, shutting the door behind him. I found my backpack beside the left bedside table and took out my few belongings. My phone, my purse, a book, a lip tint, some socks and underwear, my laptop and some perfume. Why did I pack so badly? A large yawn left my body and I decided to go to bed.

The bed was so comfortable and it felt warm and clean. Within seconds I was asleep.

Jimin's POV:

I felt sorry for Hyejin. She'd been through so much tonight yet she still remained kind and humble. The least I could do was help her out. It always feels nice to have a cute girl in your house anyway.

I read the clock. 23.08. Usually I'd be asleep by now, but I was still wide awake. When telling Hyejin goodnight, I'd seen the hickey on her neck. It was bright and large and made me mad. I don't know why I felt so angry but I did. How could someone do that to her or anyone? Just because she's pretty? I felt sick from the thought of what he would've done if I never followed her. Would she even be alive? I turned restlessly and tried to put it out of my mind, before falling asleep.


Hi guys, sorry for not posting in ages. Hopefully will be back on full time by the end of the month. Life's been crazy and stuff. Anyway I'm still writing and tryna publish as much as possible.

Btw some of my recent chapters say -1 views and -1 votes. Is that a glitch or does wattpad hate my book??
Well hopefully you guys like it.

I will update playing by the rules this week, I promise!

Anyway byyyeeee xxxx

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