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six years later


The airport was busy. There was no reason for it to be this busy but it was. I stared at the arrival doors, willing them to open. Suddenly someone appeared out of the doors and soon after a surge of groggy arrivals came. I waited in anticipation. She better have got on that flight. I scanned the room, looking for her, perhaps she changed. New hair colour? Got taller?

"Chaeyoung!" Someone laughed from the doors. I screamed in excitement, seeing my best friend waving frantically. I ran up to her and hugged her, still screaming.

"You look the same but sound different?"

"The British accent works wonders. A few days here should revert me."

"Wait, so how long are you staying, you guys packed for months!"

"Yes, we did! I could be here a while and I didn't want to leave him alone" She pointed towards the groggy male by her side.

I stuck out a hand. "Nice to meet you, you must be Noah!" I said in my best English. He slightly laughed and shook my hand.

"I have taught him Korean." Hyejin laughed.

"Oh? I didn't realize."

"He's a natural! Now sweetheart, should we go get ICE CREAM."

"YES! I always want ice cream." He said happily.

"Let's all go get ice cream then." I giggled.

a few hours later


Ugh, how I have missed Chaeyoung, and Korea in general. I missed the food and the sites and that little park that my old apartment used to look over. I must take Noah there while we are here.

We rented a temporary apartment here in Seoul as I am here on business for a few months. But it wouldn't be ready for another few days so Chaeyoung said she'd let us stay with her.

"I see you've moved." I say as we walked into her somewhat fancy apartment.

"Yes, that's one of the perks of running a successful dance company." She paused. "aaanndd... being engaged to a successful businessman!" she held up her hand to reveal a beautifully simple silver ring with a well-set diamond. It looked incredibly expensive. She took it off and showed an engraving inside, 'You're my angel' it said inside in tiny cursive.

"OMO jinjja! Chae-Young that's amazing. So, you and Hoseok got engaged?"

"YES, but I said I won't marry him until you agree to be my Maid of Honour!"

"Of course, I'll be your Maid of Honour. Why didn't you tell me sooner!" we shrieked in unison just as Hoseok unlocked the door.

"OMG Lee Hyejin? IS THAT YOU!"

"Is that my fellow ray of sunshine." I yelled, laughing. I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Yes, your angel is doing fine." He chuckled.

"I'm trying to sleep." Noah yelled from the spare bedroom.

"Is that- "

"SHH- Yes, it is, okay?"

"Is he- "

"Yes, he is"

"Jimin won't be happy about that."

"Jimin will never know." I protested blatantly.

"Okay, Okay but you have to at least see the others." Hoseok pouted. "Jungkook finished high school and met a nice girl called Ji-Young and the others would love to see you."

"OKAY! As long as Jimin doesn't find out or anything."

"Fine!" The couple groaned. I nodded to them and went to go shower and get into some pyjama's without waking Noah. About 20 minutes later we all were ready and sat for a movie. It reminded me of old times. Movie nights with the whole lot of them.

"Aren't you jetlagged. Noah seems super jetlagged."

"It will set in soon for me." I laughed. I seemingly jinxed it as I started to yawn. We continued with our movie, Grown Ups. The best movie for a film night. It's funny and has Adam Sandler so it's bound to be good. Halfway through we were interrupted by a knock at the door. Hoseok got up and checked the door, keeping it semi closed, in case it was Jimin.

"Hoseok? Is she in there?"

"Um, its Ji-Hyun-"

"Yeah that's fine, open up." I laughed. I ran over to Ji-Hyun and tightly hugged him.

"How is everything?" he asked, sitting down.

"Great, I'm here on business actually."

"That's amazing. How's Noah?"

"I can't believe you remember. He's just in the other room."

"You treating him well."

"Yes, he's my prince." Ji-Hyun frowned. "No, don't give me that look. I can't hurt Jimin." My heart hurt at even his name. I missed him with every bone in me. Ji-Hyun opened his mouth to speak.

"Don't. Say. It. This is already hard enough" I felt a faint tear form in the corner of my eyes.

"Okay" he said. We all spent the night watching comedy movies on Netflix and slipped in some K-dramas as well, all the while I was imagining my dear Jimin. I can't hurt Jimin. Or Noah. They are both so precious to me.

Eventually, everyone passed out on the sofa, not bothering to leave for their bedrooms or back to their own houses. Gently, attempting not to stir Ji-Hyun or the sweet couple across from me, I got up from the sofa, walking to the kitchen opposite to grab a glass of water.

While doing so, I heard the shuffle of some feet and soon enough Ji-Hyun was beside me.

"Hyejin, it may never help but-" he paused, taking a deep breath. "Father went to prison. His trades were revealed and how many people he killed." I gulped, my throat dry and my saliva unable to moisten the desert of my tongue. Not even the water could do so.

"Hyejin, were you once named Hye-Ri?"

"That is my birth name. But after murdering my father, your father kidnapped my mother and I and forced us into hiding, changing both our names. I kept the name since, even grew to like it." I recited my troubled past in merely a sentence.

"Hyejin, I mean Hye-Ri."

"Please, just call me Hyejin." I paused. "How many people know?"

"It was in the news for months and you're story was very largely publicised."

"And Jimin?"

"He locked himself up for days, knowing why you left him in the first place. He cried and screamed and finally, supported father's death row."

"Ji-Hyun, I don't know what to do. I love Jimin, I really do. But Noah. I love him equally, in certain ways even more." A tear began to sting in my eye as Ji-Hyun brought me into his embrace, holding my head into his chest and slowly swaying. I'd always wanted a brother, and this may be the closest I'd ever get.

"There is no way to know Noona. You just have to take it as it comes."


 So who is Noah? Has Hyejin actually moved on from Jimin?

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