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Title: November

Pairing: Steve x Reader

Warnings: None

Spoilers: None

Scenario: You were breaking into Avengers tower and went up to where they all lived, and managed to get away leaving all the Avengers shocked that they couldn't beat a 20 something-year-old, they later found you and recruited you.

Note: Today is Chris Evans' Birthday and since it is (and I haven't updated in forever) I decided to actually super quickly write this for y'all! Hope you enjoy.


"When are we ever going to find her?!" Steve asked the everyone who was gathered around the security capes for the 100th time this month

"If I can freeze it on the right moment we could get a face scan and find out where she is." Tony said "So just calm your freedom Capsicle."

"Whatever, can we just hurry this up?" He replied

"Why Cap? You got a crush or something?" Nat asked

"N-no, I just want to find out who this is." Steve said with a slight blush

"Sure" Practically everyone there replied

"GOT IT!" Tony shouted to everyone

Tony had managed to perfectly freeze the frame so you could see a clear image of her face.

"Good, now can you trace her?" Steve asked leaning over to look over Tony's shoulder

"Yeah, can you give me some space?" He replied

Steve backed up and looked as well as he could to see what Tony was doing. After a few clicks he found out exactly where she was, in an cafe on 385 Canal Street.

"So, who's going?" Bruce asked

"I'll go." Steve volunteered

"Why so you can get a date with her?" Sam asked

"No, so I can bring her here." He replied

"Fine, but wear a com just in case you need backup." Nat said

"Okay, then let's just a move on." Steve said concluding the meeting

~Time Skip to the Café~

Steve reached the café and saw you sitting in a booth in the corner on your laptop. He walked over and stood in front of you.

"Is this spot taken?" He asked

"Be my guest." You said motioning for him to sit down

Now of course you weren't an idiot, of course you knew that Captain America was talking to you and you knew that they had been trying to find you. So being yourself you decided to tease him a little bit and the Avengers knowing that he had a com in.

He sat down and the waitress came over eyeing him like a piece of meat and acting like you weren't there.

"Can I help you sir?" She said staring only at him

"My boyfriend and I will just take two frappes please." You said while putting your hand over his causing him to lightly blush

"Right away ma'am." She said while glaring at you

"B-boyfriend?" Steve gulped

"Relax, she was just being a jerk so I made her leave." You replied

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