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Request from somelostchild thanks for requesting! Sorry it took so long though.

(f/c)- favorite candy
(f/s)- favorite snack
(f/m)- favorite movie


You were in the training room with your best friend and crush Pietro. He was on the treadmill with it at the highest speed while you were at the heavy weights trying to build your upper muscle more. Ever since you had joined the Avengers you had to work extra hard to everyone else because you weren't defined as a 'super human.' The moment you stepped through the elevator with Steve your eyes immediately went to him, he had such unique hair and the most beautiful eyes ever, then you started to look at his well built body, at that moment you didn't even think about how the Captain America, basically the most well built guy ever, was standing next to you, all you cared about was the man in front of you who had the most well built body ever you couldn't help but stare. You were so deep into thinking about that day that you lost your grip on the barbell and it dropped right onto your ankle/foot.

"SHIT!" You screamed and rushed to get the weight off of your foot

Suddenly there was a silver blur that rushed in front of you and practically threw the weight off of your foot.

"(Y/N)! Are you alright?! We need Banner to look at you right away!" Pietro started to scramble out. He then picked you up and rushed you to the lab and set you down on a clear table

"Banner! (Y/N) got hurt and you need to check to see if she's okay!" He rushed out

"Okay, can you grab my medical kit." Bruce said

Pietro quickly grabbed it and rushed back to Banner with it

"Thanks, now I'm going to need you to leave so I can look at it." Bruce said while shoving Pietro out of the room

"O-okay, but I'll be right outside if you need me." He called over his shoulder

Once the door was shut Bruce got to work on seeing what the problem was. It turns out that you broke your ankle and foot so now you aren't allowed to do anything physical for an entire month.

"You can come back in Pietro." Bruce said to him

He rushed over to you and started asking a million questions a minute.

"I'm fine." You said cutting him off "Just no physical activity for a month, so I guess no working out together."

"That's okay, I'll just take care of you until you get better!" He said with that smile that made you weak at the knees

He then picked you up and rushed you to your bedroom where there was already a pillow to prop your leg up, (f/c), (f/s), and your (f/m) was set up and ready to play with Pietro right beside you with the remote.

"Aw, thanks Pietro, but you didn't have to do all this." You told him while digging into your (f/s)

"It's not a problem, now are you ready to watch (f/m)?!" He said excitedly

You just chuckled at his excitedness, but you didn't know that he actually has a huge crush on you and is excited he can spend a month or so with you more than just working out in the training room.

Once the movie had started you were starting to get a little tired, but not enough to miss it so you laid your head down on Pietro's shoulder and closed your eyes. Pietro thinking you were asleep started to run his fingers though your hair and kissed the top of your head.

"I know you can't hear me right now my lyublyu, but I since I can't keep it in much longer I thought I should let you know now. I love you so much and I know that you'll probably never return the feelings, but I needed to let you know even if you are asleep." He whispered to you while still running his fingers though your hair and kissed the top of your head again when he was done

"I like you two Pietro." You whispered to him when he looked back at the T.V then you leaned up and kissed his cheek

"Really?!" He said with wide eyes

"Yes." You replied

He then leaned down and kissed you for what seemed like forever until you had to pull away due to oxygen. The kiss sent fireworks in your stomach.

"I guess me dropping that weight was a good thing." You said with a smile

"I guess so, but that doesn't mean you can go and pull this stuff on Steve." He replied


Sorry it took so long, but it's done.

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