Apr. 4, 1982

1.3K 29 0

Actor/Actress- Robert Downey Jr.

Character- Tony Stark

Genre- Fluff

Relationship- Married

Warning: Spoilers in picture and in a line


"Tony come here honey!" You called to your husband

"Coming." He said while gently putting Morgan on the ground to play with her toys, "What's up?"

You held up a pink stick that showed two lines on it.

"We're pregnant" You said while showing him the test a little better


"I'm serious, there's another mini us growing inside of me!" You squealed before he took you in his arms and spun you around the bathroom

"We have to get ready, I have to tell Happy and Cap, and, oh, we have to tell Morgan!" He started rambling on and on about all the people you'd have to tell

"How about we just tell Morgan first." You say while throwing away the test before taking his hand and walking out towards Morgan

"Honey, daddy and I have something we'd like to tell you." You said sweetly while sitting down next to your little girl

"Yes mommy?" She replied

"Sweety, you're going to be a big sister!" Tony told her with so much joy filled in his voice

"Really?!" She said excitedly before running into your lap

"Yes!" You replied

Tony came over then and wrapped his arms around you before kissing your head, then Morgan's, and then placing a hand on your stomach

"I love you all 3,000."

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