Couldn't Stand Part 1

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A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this.This story was asked by one of my readers from a different story.See ya!
I woke up to the sound of a knock on my door.It was about 2:49 in the morning.It was raining like cats and dogs.I opened the door and saw a baby girl in a box wrapped in a blanket.She was crying.I looked around for the mother and to my luck she wasn't there.I look around one last time and take her out of the box she is in.

(Y/N): "Calm down.Everything is going to be alright."

I look at the box and see there is a name written very sloppy.The name is written on there as Yang.

(Y/N): "Yang? Huh cute name for a cute baby."

I smile at the little baby to see her asleep in my arms.I chuckle at how fast she went to sleep.

(Y/N): "I guess I'm your father now huh? Oh well I guess it's time to sleep since it's 3 in the morning.Good night darling."

I look up trying to figure out on what the hell just happened.My brain decided that it is time for my body to shut off and go to sleep.

I woke up from a baby crying.I started freaking out on where the crying was coming from.I remember on what happened last night and looked at baby Yang crying.

(Y/N): "Don't worry little one.Please don't cry it pains me to see you cry."

I kiss Yang's forehead and she stops crying.I smile.I get a call and the caller is Kali Belladonna.I've had a crush on her for a while.I missed that opportunity a long time ago.She got married and has a daughter Blake.

(Y/N): *on the phone* "Hello?"

Kali: "Hey (Y/N)! I was wondering if you would like to hang out."

(Y/N): *yawns* "Sure! What time?"

Kali: "Around 2:30 is fine with you?"

(Y/N): "Perfect time! Like always.I was wondering if I could add a +1 today?"

Kali: "Who is it? Is it anybody that I know?"

(Y/N): "I think you don't know them.They are quite new to this world.Since they are only a child."

Kali: "(Y/N)! I didn't know you had a child! I thought we would tell each other everything!"

(Y/N): "Kali calm down.She isn't my daughter.I found her on my doorstep last night.I don't know who her mother is."

Kali: "Oh.Sure then you can bring her.I love children especially babies! What's her name?"

(Y/N): "Her name is Yang.Yang (L/N)"

Kali: "Your gonna keep her as if she was your child huh?"

(Y/N): "You betcha Kali.You know me so well."

I hear crying in the background.When I was talking to Kali.

Kali: *gasps* "Blake!! Sorry that I'm ending this call early (Y/N) Blake fell and she might of hurt herself real bad.Gotta go (Y/N) Bye!"

The call ends and I don't even say goodbye.

(Y/N): "Bye Kali."

When I turned around I saw Yang crying again.That's when I realized that I didn't feed her!

(Y/N): "Crap! I forgot to feed you!"

After getting all the baby materials I needed for today she's fed and I changed her diaper.She now has fell asleep.I sigh knowing now that it's over.I look at my watch and realize that it's way past 2:30.I text Kali.

(Y/N): "Sorry that I didn't come and met up with you.I was so up with Yang I forgot about it."

Kali: "It's alright (Y/N).We can meet up next week when I have the chance."

Our conversation ends and I hear Yang crying again.I look at her and I decided to try a method that may or may not work.Im going to sing to her.She might fall asleep since she hasn't gotten much sleep in the past day she was here.Here I go.I'm just praying that it works and if it doesn't then hey I at least tried.

(Start Song)

There was a time
I used to look into my father's eyes.
In a happy home
I was a king, I had a golden throne.
Those days are gone,
Now the memory's on the wall.
I hear the songs
From the places where I was born.

Upon a hill across a blue lake,
That's where I had my first heartbreak.
I still remember how it all changed.

My father said,
"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.
See heaven's got a plan for you.
Don't you worry, don't you worry now."

"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.
See heaven's got a plan for you.
Don't you worry, don't you worry now."

"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.
See heaven's got a plan for you.
Don't you worry, don't you worry now."

There was a time
I met a girl of a different kind.
We ruled the world,
I thought I'd never lose her out of sight.
We were so young,
I think of her now and then.
I still hear the songs
Reminding me of a friend.

Upon a hill across a blue lake,
That's where I had my first heartbreak.
I still remember how it all changed.

My father said,
"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.
See heaven's got a plan for you.
Don't you worry, don't you worry now."

Oh, oh, oh!
Oh, oh, oh!

See heaven's got a plan for you
See heaven's got a plan for you
See heaven's got a plan for you

"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.
See heaven's got a plan for you.
Don't you worry, don't you worry now."

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! [3x]
(End of Song)
Yang went to sleep after that.I smiled on knowing that she falls asleep within the first 3 minutes your singing.I think I finally found someone who can make me very happy and I call even call her my daughter.


Baby Yang Xiao Long x Male Reader New thingsWhere stories live. Discover now