Where were you? Part 5

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(Y/N)'s POV
It has been a couple weeks since I have to gotten to know Qrow and Ruby better.A couple days ago I got to meet Ruby's father Taiyang.He is pretty cool.When he first met me he got pretty upset that I didn't tell Qrow that I had Yang.When that calmed down we were both pretty chill with each other.Today we were going to hang out with them today.

Qrow: What's up (Y/N).Want to crack a cold one with me?

(Y/N): Not today.Maybe another time.I don't really want to get introuble by you know who.

Kali: I heard that!

(Y/N): You heard nothing woman!

Kali: I'll show you that I didn't hear anything!

Qrow: Both of you need to calm down.You are causing a scene.

I put my hands up in surrender and pointed to Kali.

(Y/N): It was her! I swear.

Kali punched me in the shoulder which caused me to chuckle at her because she is trying to get me back.I look and see that Ruby,Blake and Yang were running around outside.

Qrow: I don't understand how well they get together.

(Y/N): Yeah it's like if they were meant to be friends.

Kali: While you two talk I'm going to go see how the girls are doing.

From that Kali left to go check on the girls.Qrow and I smiled before going in front of the house to crack a cold one.

Kali's POV
I went outside and saw that the girls were playing hide and seek.I was leaning on the wall watching them play.

Yang: I found you Blake!

Blake: No.

I saw that Ruby was sneaking up behind Yang.I was about to warn Yang but it was already to late.

Ruby: BOO

Yang screamed on the top of her lungs like if somebody had stabbed her.Even though she was scared out of her mind.

Yang: Ruby! What was that for?

Ruby: For scaring me earlier.

Yang was walking right beside Blake.Her parents behind her.

Yang: Blake guess what?

Blake: What?

Yang: I'm going to try to scare Ruby.

Blake: Are you crazy? The last time I scared her she almost hit me with a frying pan!

Yang: Oh yeah.Oh well I'm going to scare her and nothing is going to stop me!

As the family came closer to Taiyang's house Yang had made her decision on scaring Ruby.Once they got there Taiyang said that he had to go on a mission which meant it was only Qrow and Ruby alone.

Yang: Mr.Xiao Long Do you know where Ruby is?

Taiyang: Yes She is in her room finishing up some homework.

This was Yang's plan.She was going to sneak up very quietly behind Ruby and scare her.It was that simple.As Yang kept getting closer to Ruby it starts getting harder.Ruby would move every 10 seconds.When Yang was close enough she knew it was now or never.

Yang: BOO

Ruby jumped possibly as high as a cat would.She got her frying pan out of nowhere and smacked the living out of Yang with it.
~Flash-Back Ends~
Still Kali's POV
As I was watching the girls from a good distance so I'm not in the way I saw a figure.They were hiding behind a tree not to mention you could obviously see them.

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