"No one will ever know why sweet Tangi was taken from us will she was only 19. The famous singer will be remembered forever."

The tv was shut off as Morana sat at the desk in her living room with her family. She wrote in a journal as Caleb, her older brother, talked to her parents about Tangi. "I can't believe that she would do that. She was so loved." "She did the coward move son. She didn't want to deal with her problems like a normal being." The family soon broke off to do their own things after her father's words.

The coward way. Suicide. It didn't really bother Morana. The singer's death anyway. She has seen and heard of suicide before. Her uncle commit suicide because he had cancer and he didn't want to live with it anymore. That was her father's best friend...

Morana shut her journal and slowly went upstairs. She hated when her dad called it that. The coward way. It was wicked to call it that. 

When she got to her room, she shut the door and laid down on her bed. There was nothing for her to do. She tried to write, to sketch, to read, to speak to her family but she always ended up bored. She closed her eyes, telling herself that she would wake up for dinner and she let slumber grasp her.

Dinner was contained of her brother talking to her parents while she stuck the food softly with her fork. It was spaghetti tonight. "Mora, you have scarcely touched your food sweetie." "I'm just not hungry mom. Tangi was my favorite." The lie slipped past Morana's lips with easy. This is why she was getting so light. 

She was excused from dinner. She went up to her room and grabbed some clothes to change into after her shower. A long sleeve shirt and sleep pants. She grabbed a towel from the hall closet and went into the bathroom. It was basically her bathroom because her parents had a private one on the second floor and Caleb had a complete on apartment in the basement, without the kitchen of course. 

She locked the bathroom door and set her stuff down. She turned on the water and let the tub slowly fill. She slowly stripped off her clothes. Now she could see all the offensive flaws that blanketed her body. Her legs, arms, stomach. On fully on view, so the world could see. She hurriedly went to the tub and got in. Turning off the water, she could overhear everyone in the house.

 She leaned forward and reached into the faucet on the tub. a small razor came out with her fingers. She studied it over before moving it gradually across her wrist. A meager path of blood chased after the razor like a newborn duckling. The path descends into the water slowly. 

By the time Morana got out of the water, it looked a small hue of red than the pure water. She toweled herself off with the towel and hastily threw on her clothes. She put the razor back in its spot and toweled off her hair with the towel. She looked in the mirror that showed a girl with black long hair and melancholy blue eyes. She took care of the clothes and wet towel before walking over to her room and closed the door again, this time locking it. She turned off the light and sat down on the bed. Her eyes moved to the locked door for several moments. 


She shifted to lay down on the mattress. She stared at the ceiling for God knows how long before she gradually slipped into unconsciousness again. 

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