New Student!!

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Izuku Pov

Its weird its only the second day of school and we're already getting a new student apparently. Aizawa-sensei said that they would be here any moment. Although to have a new student on the second day wouldn't make any sense.

Ochaco: Who do you think the new student is?

Izuku: I have no idea. A new student at this time can make so many changes. The placements from yesterday will be all messed up and not to mention they'll make the class an even number. So many things ca-

My rambling is interrupted as the door to our class is literally kicked open only for Y/n to walk in.

Y/n: Sorry I'm late! I had to show our new student here. Come on in!!

Y/n walks into the class and a girl comes in behind him. She looks a lot like him...siblings most likely. They have different hair though. Her's is blond while his is salmon colored. That smile they have on their face is what makes you tell that they're related. A smile that shows no other emotion besides happiness.

Aizawa: Everyone this is our new student. Her name is Luna Heartfillia. As her name suggests she is Y/n's sister. Go ahead and take a seat somewhere.

Y/n goes to his usual seat as his sister follows and sits behind him. I wonder if they have the same quirk. Most siblings have something similar so they're most likely no exception.

As the day goes through we have our normal school classes before we go to lunch. The whole time Y/n hasn't said anything to his sister about what we did yesterday. He's been talking with Asui the whole time.

Y/n: Hey Midoriya! Mind if we sit here with you three?

Izuku: No, go ahead and take a seat.

Y/n takes a seat and I soon see what he meant by we since Asui and his sister sit down right after him.

Luna: So, I have a question and it's very important.

Iida: What is it? I'd be happy to answer any questions about this school.

Luna: How many times can we go up there for food? This isn't enough for me or my brother.

Y/n: We're able to go as many times as we want. If not then mom would be complaining how they have heroes here and they can't even keep us full until we get home.

Luna: Great!

The two of them start eating at a fast pace and as they are I can see them sneaking food off the others. They really are the same no matter what way you look at it.

Tsuyu: Y/n, you said your mom is known for her quirk while your dad is known for destroying things. Why is that exactly?

Luna: Mom is known for summoning with her quirk. What was her hero name again?

Y/n: Wasn't it...Celeste?

Luna: That's right!!

Izuku: Oh I know her!

I take out one of my hero journals and look flip through until I get to the right page. If their mom is who they says she is then she is known for summoning although no one really knows what she can summon or what it is she's summoning.

Iida: Celeste you say? She works for the Fairy Tail agency if I'm correct?

Y/n: That's right we'll be working there too when we become heroes!

Ochaco: What about your dad?

Y/n: Our dad is known as Salamander. I think that's enough for you to know why he's known for destroying things.

Salamander, a hero known for destroying almost everything while he fights. As his son I'm pretty sure that Y/n's attacks are based off his as well. Their fire dragon attacks as they call them.

Luna: Hey, Midoriya, are you okay you're kind of rambling.

Izuku: H-huh? Oh, yeah I'm just writing down information you see. It's a habit I have when thinking of every possibility.

Y/n looks at me for a second before taking my journal and flipping through it. He seems to taking in what I have or maybe just seeing what heroes I've all gathered?

Y/n: Boring! You can't always just rely on this info junk! Live in the battle and use that instinct!!

Luna: That's how dad does it anyway. Mom...she tends to worry a lot like you and may even overthink as well.

Y/n nods a lot before stuffing more food into his mouth and immediately swallowing it. After he just leaves the lunchroom like nothing happened.

Y/n Pov

Where is it? I smell something and it smells off. Time to put my training to the test if it's something that needs their butt kicked.

???: Are you sure they're here? I wanted to surprise them after all.

???: Calm down Lucy? They're our kids after all I'm sure either Luna or Y/n will come and find us. Actually....Y/n is close I can smell him!! Hey son where are you?!

I walk around the corner and see mom and dad. They're most likely lost since dad didn't go to this school? He was picked up by the Fairy Tail agency as a kid and turned into a hero.

Lucy: There's my baby boy!

My mom comes up and hugs me tight while wearing her normal clothes. While dad is also in his just with a cloak around him.

Lucy: Well If there is one thing I can rely your father for it's his nose. So where's your sister Luna?

Y/n: She's eating right now. Which reminds me I need to hurry back! I only had one plate!

I start to run back to the cafeteria and I can hear my mom and dad following me. Well dad is most likely dragging mom behind him. As we reach the cafeteria I see Luna stand up and start running towards us.

Luna: Mom! Dad!

Natsu: Hey there my little summoner! How's school so far.

Luna: It's alright! Y/n showed me around and not only that there are some pretty unique quirks here.

Lucy: As long as you're having fun and safe then I guess everything's ok.

Natsu: So what's the teachers here like huh? I bet they're nothing like us at the agency!

As our family starts talking like nothing is wrong or unusual I look around and see the other students staring at us.

Izuku: Isn't that...your parents....the pro heroes.

Y/n: Yeah that's them. What's so crazy about it?

Iida: I think that the shock is mostly coming from how they just wandered in if I'm not mistaken isn't staff and students only aloud.

Natsu: Oh don't sweat the small stuff! When it comes to us wanting to see our kids you can guarantee nothing will stop us!

Luna: Mom did dad burn something?

Lucy: It's better for you kids not to know. Now I'm pretty sure your next class is about to start so how about we go and see what it's like.

Luna: Alright let's go!!

Luna jumps onto our dad's back making him lose his balance before he opens his mouth and shoots flames from it to get his balance back. My family just laughs while everyone else continues to stare at us. They'll never get used to my family. They haven't even seen everyone else yet!!

(REWRITING) My Hero Academia {Male Reader Insert}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant