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We're walking to our next class, well mom, dad, and I are walking my sister is just holding onto dad's back with a smile on her face. Either way we're going to the next class, Fight Training!

Luna: I wonder what they're gonna have us do! I can't imagine the types of people we could go against or maybe they'll even have us pick our own opponents!!

Lucy: Well you may look a lot like me Luna, but you definitely didn't get my personality. At least one kid did.

Natsu: I think it's great! I wonder if they'll let your old man even jump in for some fun. It has been awhile since I've trained you Y/n.

Lucy: Natsu we can't interrupt their class. If anything we have to sit back and watch.

Y/n: What?! But then that means I won't be able to fight dad! Cmon dad even if you can't participate you at least have to fight me sometime today!

Natsu: We'll see kiddo! Until then let's see what happens.


So we have our hero costume ready and I don't really know what happened with mine or my sister's they're not here and the school says they haven't even seen the costumes been made either.

Luna: How come everyone else has their costumes and we're just here stuck wearing our normal clothing!!

All Might: Yes, the school is very sorry about that! We haven't seen your costumes when we gathered everyone else's so you'll sadly have to deal with these until we can gather yours!!


Lucy: Luna sweetheart calm down. I know you wanted to flaunt your costume but we have to be respectful okay.

Natsu: I don't know Lucy, they both have some pretty good costumes I'd be pretty pissed too if mine didn't come on time.

Lucy: Natsu you're not helping.

All Might: Well continuing on! As you all know this is going to be an important aspect of being heroes aka battle depending on what kind of hero your planning to be.

Izuku: So what we're doing is...

Bakugo: Combat!!

All Might: Correct!! You'll be paired up together in teams of two and we'll see how well you all do when put against another team!

I feel a smile start to crawl over my face as I hear our plans. With this I'll finally be able to fight something that isn't a practice dummy!

All Might: However, Young Y/n and Young Luna you two will be different from the others in which I mean you will not have a partner!

Y/n: That's fine with me!! It makes it more of a fun battle than anything!

Natsu: That's my boy. Show them our family power!

Dad puts me in a headlock as we both smile at one another. I look him in the eyes and nod. This headlock is something he does when he's planning on doing something mom won't approve of. Luna and mom have no idea what it is they just see it as dad bonding with me.

All Might: Alright I'll pair everyone into teams and well start drawing for who's gonna be heroes and who's gonna be villains!

3rd Pov

After the teams were made everyone split up to go with their partner with the exception of Y/n and Luna. They stayed together and just relaxed as they watched people pair up with their partner.

(REWRITING) My Hero Academia {Male Reader Insert}Where stories live. Discover now