Home For Fall

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-september 11th, 2013-

"Hey, fuck faces," Jack greets, a smirk on his face as he pounds a drum beat on the counter before placing his head on his arms and leaning down. Rian glares from behind the coffee machines and Zack sets down a coffee cup in front of Jack. Jack flashes a smile to Zack's turned back and sighs at Rian.

"Hey, wheres Alex?" Jack asks, his eyes darting across the coffee shop for his boyfriend. He had to talk to him about their fight the other night since they hadn't spoken and Jack missed cuddling him and waking up to his bed head and sleepy voice.

Zack turns around, his eyes darting between Rian and Jack. He gnawed on his lip while he made eye contact with Rian, whose eyebrows furrowed and he pursed his lips.

"He didn't tell you?" Rian asks hesitantly.

"Tell me what?" Jack forces a smile.

Rian looks at his shoes and runs a hand through his hair. "Alex is gone, Jack."

-time stamp; night before-

  "You never fucking understand! You say you do but if you really did then you would support me!"

"Yeah well do you ever think about how I cant live without you? Huh? Ever thought of that Alex? Maybe I deserve to be selfish for once!"

"I'm so fucking tired of this town. I'm tired of fighting. I'm just-done, I cant be here anymore. Its suffocating me."

"But you don't mind suffocating me?" Jack's voice breaks. Alex looks away.

-time stamp; september 12th, 2013-

Jack rubs his eyes with his sweater, the fall breeze whistling through his hair and causing his eyes to sting, at least he tells himself that.

He steps onto the porch, the wood creaking slightly under his feet as he knocks on the door.

No one answers. Jack continues to tell himself that its the wind making his eyes water profusely.

Home For Fall {Jalex}Where stories live. Discover now