║chapter twenty three║

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║chapter twenty three║

Elena POV:

Bonnie and I finished dinner and headed to the parking lot. What we saw there made me want to throw up.

Caroline with a bunch of girls carrying her Victoria's Secret bags. I knew why she had bought stuff from there. The thought made me what to attack her that very second.

Bonnie noticed my reaction to this and pulled me away from them. "Caroline doesn't matter! Stefan loves you, not her. She's delusional" Bonnie assured me. "You're right" I nodded as we got into the car.

"Your house or the Salvatore's?" Bonnie asked as we approached the neighborhood. "The Salvatore's" I responded. Bonnie nodded and turned onto their street. "So are you living there now?" she asked. "Pretty much" I laughed. She smiled and arrived at their house. "Thanks for the ride, Bon! I had a really good time today. I miss you" I confessed. "I miss you too, Elena. I know that the breakup with Stefan was tough and you wanted to be alone, but now that you guys are back together I hope that we hang out more" Bonnie respond. I nodded and thanked her again before getting out of the car.

"What's up Salvawhores?!" I called out as I walked through the front door. "Oh that's rude!" Damon sarcastically said as he placed a hand over his chest. "You're gonna pay for that!" Stefan exclaimed as he ran up behind me and picked me up. I screamed in surprise as he kissed my head. "How was your shopping?" he asked. "Great! I got a dress for tomorrow!" I exclaimed. "Sounds great. I'm sure you look beautiful in it" Stefan smiled. "You're so sweet" I responded as I kissed him. Then my phone rang.

It was Aunt Jenna.

I reluctantly answered the call. I was nervous to talk to her. I had kind of ignored her and Jeremy ever since the break up. She had respected that and I love her for it.

"Elena?" she asked. "Yeah, it's me" I responded. "Oh my god! I missed you so much! How are things going with you?" she exclaimed. "We need to talk in person" I stated. I didn't want to tell her that I'm pregnant over the phone. Plus, it was time we see each other face to face.

I pulled into the driveway of my house. It was weird being back. Yet at the same time it felt so normal. So many days I had done the same thing, pulling into the driveway of the house I had lived in my entire life. Yet I hadn't been there for months. It's strange how those things work.

As I walked up to the front door I suddenly started to feel really nervous. Though it does make sense that I'm feeling this way. I was telling my Aunt that I'm pregnant.

I rung the doorbell. I don't know why. It is my house. Jenna opened the door and pulled me into a tight hug. "I missed you so much" she whispered. "I missed you too" I responded. Then I started to cry. I don't know if it was the pregnancy hormones or my true feelings, but I started sobbing. Jenna started to cry too.

I didn't realize it, but I really had missed her.

We hugged and cried for a long time before finally pulling ourselves together. "So, what had happened in these past few months?" she asked. I sighed. Damn, a whole lot has happened.

I explained the breakup and the time spent during the breakup. Then how we got back together. I hadn't mentioned the pregnancy part yet.

"Oh that's amazing!" Jenna exclaimed. "I'm so happy for you two!" she continued. I thanked her but mentioned that the story wasn't over quite yet.

"What do you mean it's not over? You said that you guys just very recently got back together? What could have happened in that time?" she raised her eyebrows.

"I'm pregnant"

Stefan POV:

Damon entered the living room with two glasses of bourbon. "Hey brother" he greeted as he sat down across from me and handed me a drink. I nodded towards him as a greeting and a thank you for the drink. "We haven't really talked about the pregnancy yet. Just you and me" Damon stated. I took a sip of my drink and nodded. "You know I'm fully supportive of it and will do everything I can to help out, but what is your plan? Have you talked to Elena about what your gonna do?"

"I'm gonna propose"

Elena POV:

"Oh my god. You're what?!" Jenna screamed. "I'm pregnant" I said again. "Oh, congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys!" she exclaimed. My smile was so wide it felt like the corners of my mouth were at the side of my face. Jenna hugged me tightly. "You're gonna have a baby!" she yelled. I beamed and hugged her.

Jenna and I continued to chat and soon Jeremy arrived home. I filled him in on everything that happened, including the pregnancy. "Elena! Congrats!" he exclaimed as he hugged me tightly. "Oh my god. I'm gonna be an uncle" he realized.

It became late in the night and I had to go home. Again, it's weird being at my home and needing to go home to the Salvatore's.

Jenna and Jeremy hugged me goodbye and we all promised we would talk more. That promise would be kept.

I arrived back at the Salvatore's and found them asleep on the couch. "Hey guys" I nudged them awake. They groaned and rolled over. I laughed and climbed on Stefan's chest. "Stef. Wake up" I cooed as I ran my finger over his chest. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled when he saw me. "Hello, gorgeous" he greeted me. I smiled and kissed him. Damon was still asleep on the other side of the couch so I climbed over on top of him. "Damon..." I trailed off. His eyes slowly started to open. "Yay! You're both up!" I exclaimed. They laughed sleepily and began to stand up. "I'm tired. Stef, carry me upstairs" I pleaded. Stefan smiled and picked me up.

Once we were in Stefan's room I took off all my clothes and pull on one of his shirts. "I love when you wear my clothes" Stefan smiled. I giggled and climbed into bed. He joined me and I instantly rested my head on his bare chest. His arms wrapped around me as he kissed my head. "I love you so much" he whispered to me as I drifted off into a peaceful sleep. And I to, loved him so much.

More than I ever thought was possible.

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