November 6th, 1983

419 6 7

In Hawkins, Indiana. In the last house of the western culd-e-sac held the longest campaign of Dungeons and Dragons that the teens have ever played. They've been playing for over twelve hours. The basement showed signs of the teen's mass destruction. Empty Twinkie bags were strewn across the floor. Pezz candy containers had all been empty for the last six hours. Including the empty cans of Dr.Pepper and Coca Cola, they haven't left their spots since seven a.m.

"Almighty Hunk, the barbarian, has faced serpents, goblins and a hill giant. He is low on health, and has used most of his power abilities. And his fellow friends aren't looking so hot either. Just when you think Hunk is in deep shit, he ends up in deeper shit. He is at the entrance of a cave on the side of the mountain. But little did he know the cave was the home of the sinister Demogorgon." Lance narrates, currently he was the game master of the campaign. He stares at Hunk who was currently sweating profusely under his baseball cap. Hunk knew that one wrong roll of the die could possibly end the life of his beloved barbarian.

"Shit." Hunk said under his breath in a lisp. He had a speech impediment due to his missing front teeth. Hunk had a rare disorder called cleidocranial dysplasia, a genetic disorder involving bone growth. But that never stopped him from smiling everyday.

"The Demogorgon senses your presence and crawls out of the dark cave. Its flimsy mouth opens as it hisses lowly at you. It's grey skin glistens in the moonlight, as it makes its way closer to you. Its clear drool drips from its mouth, staring at you as if you were his next meal." Lance stares over the game master's board, his gaze glowered at his friends. With being the dramatic storyteller he is, Lance was obviously perfect to be the game master, he made every campaign an memorable adventure.

Pidge places her hand on Hunk's shoulder, "You can take on the Demogorgon-"

She was abruptly cut off by Hunk, "No I can't! I'm nearly dead, and I ran out of my power abilities!" He pulls off his cap and holds his temples as he stares intensely at his character sheet.

"I can help you, but you'll have to fight the Demogorgon with Lucas." Pidge played as the wizard of the campaign, and she had taken serious damage against the hill giant that they had defeated twenty minutes ago. "I will cast an Arcane spell that will make Hunk go berserk with rage." If she would be able to successfully cast the spell, it would make the barbarian go berserk, giving him full energy to defeat the Demogorgon with Lucas.

Lucas, Hunk and Lance all stared at them in shock. "Are you serious? The amount of energy to cast that spell could possibly kill you!" Lucas exclaimed.

Pidge countered back, "It will be enough to help you and Hunk win this, once and for all."

"Pidge, if you do will have to roll a seven or an nine, or else the spell wouldn't effect the Demogorgon, and your death will be for nothing." Lance told Pidge the consequences behind taking a huge risk.

"Don't do it Pidge. There must be another way." Hunk pulled on Pidge's arm, holding her arm back from reaching the dice.

"It's okay." Pidge flashed a smile at him, "I have a lucky feeling about this." She grabbed the dice and gently blew on it. There was no particular reason why she blew on the dice, she just saw it in a movie with Matt. And it seemed to work. The tension in the room was thick, the boys' anticipation rose as they watched their friend roll the dice in her palms. "Say Hello to elf princess for me." Pidge told her fellow friends as she was about to release the dice.

"Mijo! It's time for your friends to go home!" Lance's mother yelled from the top of the basement stairwell.

Pidge was startled by the sudden yell from Lance's mom. She aimlessly threw the dice, making it scatter onto the floor.

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