The Next Day Part Two

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7:45 a.m.

The second bell rings as Allura walks into school with her large textbooks in her hands.

"So, did he call?" Her best friend Shay walks along side her. She was tall, and was wearing high-waisted jeans, and a tucked in pink and brown flannel. Her short, brown hair was curled in the front and brushed on the sides. Her large glasses sat on the bridge of her nose. Her triangular earring complemented the whole look.

Allura immediately smiles, knowing exactly what Shay was talking about. "Keep your voice down."

"Did he?" Shay pressed on.

"I told you it's not like that." Allura reassures her friend. "Okay, I mean yes. He does like me, but not like that."

Shay looks at Allura, she was confused but nonetheless she kept listening. Allura walked to her locker and did her combination. "We just...made out a couple of times."

Shay makes goo-goo eyes and mimics Allura's tone, "We just made out a couple of times. Allura seriously, you're gonna be so cool now."

Allura blushes and opens her locker, settting her textbooks inside. "No I'm not."

"All I'm saying better still hang out with me." Shay smiled at Allura. Their friendship goes way back. In second grade many girls seemed to like being around Shay, they were intimidated by her size. She would get bullied by other girls that would say, "You're too fat to be my friend." Until Allura came along and talked to her on the play ground. Now they're both juniors in high school and things have never changed. They always tell each other anything and everything. And ever since Allura started dating the most popular guy in high school, Shiro Harrington, Allura has been sharing everything about him with Shay. Since she wasn't allowed to date at all, she couldn't tell her parents about him. They would probably ground her for life is they knew she was dating a junior.

"If you become friends with Rolo H., or Nyma-"

"Oh gross." Allura cut her off. "I would never replace them with you."

Shay smiled at Allura, "Good." She saw a folded piece of paper in Allura's locker. "Hm... I wonder where that came from." She nudged Allura with her elbow.

Allura looked at the folded note and took it out of her locker. She opened it and read the giant words, scrawled in blue ink. 'Meet Me. Bathroom. -Shiro'

Shay smirked, "I better see you in Chemistry or I'll drag you out of the bathroom myself." Shay went to Chemistry.

Chemistry was their first period, and the third/final bell doesn't ring till ten minutes. Allura took out her chemistry notebook and stuck it into her bag. Then, with butterflies in her stomach she walked to the bathroom.

7:50 a.m

The sheriff police car pulled into the parking lot of the police department. The driver was tired, and was going through a hangover. But he could tell this one was a minor one, compared to all the others he had before. Before leaving the car, he put on his hat that was sitting on the passenger seat. His eyes squinted as he stepped out into the bright day. He sighed as he walked into Hawkins Police Department. Once he was inside he was not so happily greeted by Florence, the secretary.

"Good of you to show." Florence watched him through her thick glasses.

"Oh hey Flo." The sheriff slurs. "Morning, everybody." The sheriff heads straight for the coffee machine. He passed two of his deputies, playing cards at their desks.

"Hey Sheriff." The older deputy greeted after he pressed the butt of his cigarette in the ash tray on his desk. 

"Damn, you look like hell Sheriff." The younger deputy took his eyes off of his cards.

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