14. Asses

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An alarm clock blared, waking the two from their slumber. Tyler shot up, the sound scaring him awake. He quickly turned off the alarm, and laid back down with a groan, which was echoed by Josh.

"I'm so tired," Tyler whined, cuddling closer to Josh. "And I don't wanna get up. You're so warm."

"We have to, baby. I gotta show you off at school today."

Tyler seemed to perk up.

"Really?" he asked excitedly, doe-eyes wide in hope.

"Yeah," Josh chuckled.

They climbed out of bed dreadfully slow. Tyler dressed in a black crop top, black plaid skirt, fishnet stockings, white adidas socks, and black vans.

He twirled around for Josh, who was simply dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt

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He twirled around for Josh, who was simply dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"How do I look?"

"Stunning," Josh complimented, watching the boy in awe. "But your socks are uneven."

Tyler let out a giggle. He bent over in front of Josh, ass poking out under his skirt. He leaned down and adjusted his socks, feeling no need to rush. Josh gulped, feeling himself grow in his sweats.

"What a cute ass," he said, reaching out and cupping both of Tyler's cheeks in his large hands.

"My ass is cute?" Tyler giggled, letting Josh grope him.

"Mhm, and now I'm horny, so fuck you," the older mumbled in response, admiring Tyler from his rounded-ass to his chubby thighs down to his tiny ankles.

"Sorry, but we have to go to school," Tyler teased, standing back up straight.

Josh grabbed onto his hips, pulling him down into his lap.

"C'mon, princess, I want you so bad..."

"Sorry, Josh, I guess you'll just have to deal with it," Tyler shrugged. He got up, but not before teasingly rubbing his ass across Josh's crotch.

"You're such a brat. You're in trouble later."

Tyler spun around on his heels to grin at the yellow-haired boy.

"Maybe I like when I'm in trouble," he stated simply, hips swaying as he turned and walked out of his room.

Josh groaned, mentally cursing for having someone so attractive but so bratty as his boyfriend. He followed Tyler, ignoring the hard-on between his legs. They each had a poptart before they left, hopping into Josh's truck.

Josh parked outside of the school, nervously reaching over to find Tyler's hand. He laced their fingers together.

"I'm nervous," he admitted, heart pounding against his ribcage.

"It'll be alright. I won't let anyone be mean to you," Tyler said, as if he would be able to protect Josh. In reality, they both knew he would be the one to cry first.

"Lets go."

They exited the car, walking up the steps to the front door hand-in-hand. Josh's sweat was covering the smaller's hand, but he didn't mind. He'd rather hold a sweaty hand than not hold one at all.

They walked into school, all eyes instantly falling on them. Josh took a deep breath, expecting the insults to start coming.

But instead, the glances ended just as fast as they'd begun. Nobody was staring. Nobody thought, "woah, isn't Josh straight?"

Not until Pete and Brendon ended up running into them.

"What the fuck, Dun? Why're you holding hands with this fairy?" Pete asked, face contorted in disgust.

"Because he's my boyfriend," Josh stated simply, feeling Tyler tighten his grip. He squeezed back in response.

"You're gay?" Brendon asked, seeming more confused than angry.

"Have been," Josh nodded.

"That's disgusting," Pete glared. "All those times I changed with you in the locker room..."

"Yep, and I was staring at Tyler the entire time. Although, I have to admit, you've got a nice ass," Josh stated, fighting the smile that was threatening his lips.

Tyler couldn't help but grin so he adverted his gaze to the ground.

Pete fell silent, and Josh knew he ran out of things to say. He finally smiled, stepping around them and leading Tyler to their lockers.

"That was great!" Tyler laughed, clutching his stomach. "I can't get over his face!"

Josh grinned, pulling his books out of his locker. He closed it, letting Tyler lean against it.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked, eyeing the brunette's plump lips.

"You don't have to ask," Tyler pointed out, leaning forward to meet Josh's lips.

The kiss was short, but it caught everyone's attention.

"Yes! I'm gay! I'm in love with Tyler Joseph! I never liked any of you hoes, sorry. Move along now."

Tyler giggled, watching everybody carry on with whatever they were doing. "I'm in love with you too."

Melanie, Ashley, and Jenna suddenly ran over, tacking them both in a hug. Josh was caught off guard, but eventually hugged back. Tyler couldn't stop smiling.

"You did it!" Ashley said, proudly smiling at her brother.

"Mom told us all last night you were staying at your 'boyfriends' house," she said, using air quotes. "And nobody even flinched."

Josh smiled, happy that his family wasn't upset with him.

"I had no idea this was a thing!" Jenna laughed, gesturing between the two of them. "Nobody told me!"

"We just found out this week," Melanie said, referring to her and Ashley.

"So you're really together?" Jenna questioned.

"Yeah," Tyler nodded, laughing when Jenna squeaked.

"I'm so happy for you guys!"

"So you're done hurting Tyler now, right?" Melanie rose her eyebrows at Josh, who nodded.

"Of course. I already apologized to him."

"So do we have a new friend?" Jenna asked excitedly.

"Ew, gross. I don't want to be friends with my brother," Ashley teased, wrinkling her nose in fake disgust.

"Whatever, you love me," Josh rolled his eyes.

The bell rang for first period, sending everyone throughout the halls. The girls wandered off, leaving the two alone again.

"I'll see you next period, okay?" Josh asked, leaning down so Tyler could hear him.

"Okay, gimme kiss."

Josh placed a quick peck on his lips. They exchanged a smile before walking opposite ways to their first period class.

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