The Wolf's Fateful Encounter

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Amunis II, Day 20, Year 502

Now then, how exactly am I supposed to handle a situation like this? Leo thought to himself, clearly puzzled by the young girl who sat before him. The mysterious girl was motionless, and judging from her current state, it was not difficult for Leo to deduce that she has been a habitant of this cursed forest for quite some time.

Guess I should introduce myself

"First thing first, my name is Leonardo, Leo for short. Can I have your name?"


The young girl stared blankly at Leo. Whether she could not understand or if she was simply refusing to speak remained a mystery, but Leo continued on

"Are you here alone? Do you have any family around that I can return you to?"


Again, Leo's question only received a silent stare in response

Running his right hand back through his soft black hair that was now specked with the purple blood of the recently slain goblin that, shortly before this exchange, threatened this fragile looking child, Leo let out a long sigh.

I never was any good at dealing with children, must be the only thing I can truly say I inherited from my parents Leo thought to himself, letting a laugh faintly slip before refocusing on the task at hand.

Leo was 20 years of age, standing at about 6ft tall with a lean muscular build of about 200 pounds. He wore a light red tunic under his faded black cloak, and had a short blade fastened to either side of his hips on a belt around his waist. Fastened along the back of his belt were three small vials filled with an unknown green liquid that seemed to faintly glow. Everything he wore, with the exception of his tunic, was black, and the back of his cloak had an insignia of a golden wolf woven into it. He was the ideal man you would associate with the Forest of Ruin, where he stumbled upon this young girl. Inspecting her up and down to try and piece together any information he could about her previous whereabouts as well as any injuries that he should be aware of, he noted that the young girl looked as if she had been simply abandoned. She wore nothing but a tan shirt that was tattered to the point where a skilled tailor may not even be able to save it, and her hair, which should have been like platinum silk, was mangled and knotted. The malnourished state she was currently in was topped off by her pale skin showing signs of a dangerous level of dehydration.

A young girl such as this shouldn't be in this wretched forest in the first place, let alone in this horrible condition. What fool could possibly- Leo's thought was abruptly halted as he paid a closer inspection to the child's eyes.

"Grey and red? Well, that certainly explains your current situation."

Leo, whose eyes were green and blue, now knew why this child was all alone in this forest on the brink of starvation

The world of Valar had a total of 5 gods, and with each different god came the mortals who worshipped them. The worship of a god was not left up to individual choice however, as the gods blessings would manifest itself into humans in the form of their eye color depending on their month of birth, and this same blessing would be passed on to their children. Each god had 3 successive months dedicated to them(with the exception of one god) with 32 days in each ordered Agnis, Salacin, Amunis and Mara. Keeping the "purity of the gods" was an important part of all human life, and with this, humans almost exclusively mated only with those with the same eye color, or rather divine blessing, as them. A child born from parents who did not heed this tradition were identifiable by the trait of having two different eye colors. While the people who worshipped different gods could live amongst each other and remain cordial, divine blessings were the foundation of most of the social order on Valar, and much like his own parents, this girl's family committed the ultimate taboo. To the people of Elfrain, the country where Leo currently resided, being an impure was the same as being a monster, and seeing the little girl in this condition only reinforced this belief.

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