Red Wind Reunion

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As Leo was walking, he heard a flurry of footsteps approaching from behind him, suddenly being grabbed from behind

                "Where exactly do you think you're going without even saying welcome back, Leonardo?" said the random voice behind him. "I've been back for three weeks now!"

                "What exactly do you want from me this time, Serina"

                Leo turned around to greet his young grey-eyed acquaintance. Serina, the daughter of one of Sarah's friends who just recently became a mercenary, often tried to talk Leo in becoming her mentor, to which he always refused. Leo was never fond of the idea of having disciples, only making an exception for Turk because he was sent to them by Zed, and Layna for the obvious reason. Though he always refused to mentor her, it was in no way related to her being weak, she was quite the opposite in mind, body and soul, and her constant berating to Leo only drove home that point. Serina wore a small black jacket with red trimming over a white undershirt, and her matching small skirt was worn over white leggings and finished off with long brown boots with black lacing. Harnessed to her left hip was her rapier, and the deep red of the sword's hilt mirrored the color of her hair, which was set in a braid.

                "Ah come on now Leo, give me a little credit. Maybe I just wanted to say hello to a friend after returning from the capital" she replied with a sarcastic tone

                Leo gave her a wry smile with a slight twitch of his face.

                Agreeing to walk with him as he went to regroup with Sarah, the two engaged in small talk and caught up with each other until he reached his destination. Leo asked her about her recent trip the capital city, Arlsan, where she was hired to guard the preparations for the upcoming festival to celebrate the coming anniversary of Shepard's triumph over Arias. The celebration happened the last week of every year, with the last day signifying his triumph over Arias, which ushered in a new era for the world. As Leo was nodding along, he saw Sarah waving the two down through his peripherals

                "Serina, is that you? I haven't seen you in ages. Why don't you come back home with us, last time you came seems like ages ago" Sarah said as the duo approached her in the market square.

                "Really? Are you sure it's ok? I'm sure Leo here would be uncomfortable with such a cute girl in his home" Serina replied with a smile, jokingly nudging Leo on his arm

                "Oh, I'm sure Leo will be fine in that regard, especially with the way he fawns over little Layna every day"

                "Layna? Who is Layna?" Serina asked, tilting her head questioningly at Leo

                "Goodness sake Leo, you haven't even told Serina about Layna?"

                "Well, she never really gave me the chance..." Leo replied with a nervous smile, scratching the back of his head

As the trio made their way back home, Leo caught Serina back up to speed on what all has happened in Veronica the past few months, from saving Layna from the Forest of Ruin to the attack of the Liches

She hasn't mentioned anything about the black flames Leo thought to himself as he continued to fill her in. Maybe the news hasn't reached the capital yet.

As they reached the house, Turk was face down on the sofa, sleeping peacefully


As Leo thought this, he quickly grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up

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