My friends of yesterday and tomorrow

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This is basicly something I wrote for two of my friend a couple years ago, I was I  year five I think I haven't see them in a few years I hope you enjoy this I won't normally publish these, but I was cleaning some stuff out my foon and found some of my old poems, now please don't judge I was ten and in a really dark place.

We were young,
innocent as can be,
We had just met, it was just you
And me,

Then a year went past,
With it's ups and downs
Falling out and our strange plans

And she came along, with her snowy white hair, and quietness
She was the opposite to you,
Who was dark and loud,

We became fast friends,
From 'hello' to 'hay, how are you'
She was a friend it was our little group, then it started,
The lies, not truths

What was her name, I can't quite tell,
It's faded since then,
It's been four and a half year since then

She and her friends,
They had it out for me,
Simple giggles, in year 2,
The hurtful comments months later, I can never forget them

In year three that's when it started pinches and hair pulling,
It was quite alarming, you were still my friends, through thick and thin,

That same year I just couldn't cope,
That's when I took to the pain of a blade to cope, I felt so ashamed, I still have the scars, a reminder of my past, so dreadfully and wrong.

You didn't notice, how I clipped my wings, how shadows grew and took over me,
I think you did at first,
then I got better at hiding it,
never took of my cardigan,
Even if the sun was shining

That's when I had enough,
A blade couldn't dull the pain,
That's when I told her,
She, they, saved me from my hell

I move to another school, from the academy I was in,
The trinity saved me, that I admit

It's been several years, since I've seen you,
But i hope you are ok,
I will never forget you

I love and miss you, my wonderful friend, you have engraved your names in my heart and soul, I'm now in high school, we all are now, and I will say this ,my friends of yesterday and today,

Black and white,  sun and moon, it matters not, you are hear with me in my heart, and I love you, I miss you, all these miles away.

They still don't know about the scars
They've faded to my skin, but you gave me the courage to tell someone, who is helping me through it.

Thank you, Emi, Vicky, my friends of yesterday and today.

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