I'm nothing without you

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Steve trudged through the snow feeling exhausted. Well of course he was, even super soldiers need rest after fighting enemies, getting wounded, and being in the snow for maybe an hour or two.  Steve took another step only to fall to his knees again "Shit...." he muttered, shivering a bit, he looked around hoping to think of anything. He noticed a figure in the distance walking towards him in a cautious way, Steve was in no condition to fight and he wondered if this guy was going to kill him, the figure was staring to get closer to Steve but he still couldn't recognize the figure "Steve?" Wait what? Steve recognized the voice and started to wonder if he was so close to passing out that he was now imagining things. Because, that voice sounded like....Bucky. Steve would've looked up at the figure or ask if it was Bucky if he had the strength to, "Steve? Steve?!" Steve felt himself fall forward but an arm quickly wrapped around him stopping him from falling into the snow completely, Steve's vision started to blur in and out until it completely went black. But one thing that he noticed before he passed out was that the arm that was wrapped around him was metal.

Steve's eyes opened slowly, his eyelids felt heavy like they were bruised, he groaned as he sat up noticing that he was under a blanket which was tightly wrapped around him and he also noticed that he was on a bed in what appeared to be a small cabin "Take it easy Steve..." Steve jumped at the voice and looked around the room only to come face to face with "Bucky..?" Bucky walked over to the bed and sat down on it "Who do you think it is punk?" Steve made the same pout he does when Bucky calls him that "Jerk...." he muttered. Bucky sighed and looked at Steve with worry "But you are a punk, why the hell would you be in the snow like that?" He said with a bit of anger in his tone, Steve knew that tone so well. Bucky would use that tone every time when Steve got sick but didn't want to admit it. Steve looked at Bucky "First of all Language. Second of all, that's what fighting enemies do to you" Steve said completely ignoring his sore throat

Bucky pushed Steve back onto the bed using his metal hand to keep Steve there and leaned close to his face with an annoyed expression "Why do you keep on doing that?" Steve looked at him confused and tried to sit up again but Bucky's hand held him down "Um...because it's my job as a hero to?" Steve said slowly. Bucky narrowed his eyes "You know what I mean punk,why do you keep on risking your life? You do realize that if I wasn't out here or if I hadn't spotted you, you would've died from the cold right?" Steve did not know that "No....I did not know that..but I'm just doing what's right Buck..! And that could lead to risking my life..! Trust me I've been doing it ever since before I met you" Bucky knew what Steve meant. He remembered how Steve would get into fights back in Brooklyn which would result into Steve getting seriously hurt and Bucky to come and save him "So you thought it was a good idea to risk your life and get lost in the snow?" Bucky asked annoyed "I had him on the ropes" Steve said and tried to sit up again but this time Bucky pushed him back down a bit too hard which caught him off guard

"B-Bucky what-?" Steve was cut off by Bucky suddenly kissing him on the lips. Steve then returned the kiss and after a while they broke apart "Steve..you do realize don't you.." Bucky said his face still close to Steve's

"That I'm nothing without you"

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