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A/N: I decided to make one one shot of Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan after reading one about them so this will be when they're on set and Chris gets an injury while doing a scene

Chris was always the professional guy on set. Sure he loved to goof around but he can be serious too, like remembering his lines, always made sure that he was on his mark, and at staying with the shot. But he could be kinda clumsy as well, rarely even on set. He would trip, stumble, or even bump into things if he got distracted. Chris always thought it was embarrassing, others thought it was cute, especially his boyfriend Sebastian

It was the chase scene with himself, Sebastian, and Chadwick. He was running in the street, making sure to hit all his marks when on one turn, he trips over his feet and falls. He attempted to catch himself but ends up falling on his shoulder, he hears a pop and all the sudden feels absolutely tremendous pain. The others didn't know he fell until they heard Chris scream, Sebastian stops so fast that Chadwick runs into him making them both fall to the ground, they both run over to Chris while the production crew does also

Sebastian tries to calm Chris down, and asking where does it hurt. Even though he's speaking in Romanian because he's so nervous Chris understands what he's saying, one of the medic that's always on set runs over to Chris and he can tell that Chris dislocated his shoulder and they would have to pop it back in. Oh how painful it was, about 20 seconds later Chris is vomiting on the sidewalk and is so close to just passing out, Sebastian is comforting him and hoping that his boyfriend won't pass out. The medic told Chris that his arm would be sore for a few days and to go easy on it

In the car, Chris fondles with the strap of his slinger that the medic gave for his arm, Sebastian grabs his hand gently "Don't do that. I'll take care of you" and he was right. When they got home, Sebastian gave Chris some Tylenol, made his favorite food for dinner, and he ended up falling asleep on the couch leaning against his boyfriend, who carried him back to their room, careful with his sore arm, and cuddled on the bed

Stucky one shots Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat