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To whoever is reading this. My death is NOT your fault.

I wanted to die. It was the only solution to my non-stop pain, the corruption to this world, myself. I was never happy. No one could ever hand over happiness. That's what's so wrong with this world. I am sick and tired of the fake happiness everyone gives, and receives. I for one, will never feel what that truly feels; now that I'm free from that pain.
Its not your fault.
Stop, accept the fact that I'm gone. Don't keep reading until you've accepted it— If you don't even know me then still. Go back out there and deal with the shitty world we live in, or just simply forget me and move on. It's the whole purpose of my being gone ok? Continue reading ONLY if you're strong. Know I love(d) you.
It's not your fault.
You weren't strong enough. You'll never be. No one is, let's just face it now. Reading this, you'll end up like me. Dead. I wasn't strong enough , I was weak. No matter who or what supported me, this depression was my own battle that only I have to win or lose , taking pride in that honor.

The battle I believe, was impossible to win. It was a dark,deep, never ending hole, of my thoughts, my fears; The only escape was to destroy it's creator. You know what that means, accept it. There was no handbooks to life , yet we accept life anyway because there is no other option. Clearly , I have the other option.
It's not your fault.

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