Chapter 5- The Dinner Party

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A week had passed since Katie had been cursed. Ophelia was sat in potions class listening to her friends discuss last weeks events. "I heard she's been sent to St.Mungo's and she's completely lost her mind" Seamus said excitedly as he chopped an asphodel. "Im honestly truly fed of of hearing about it" snapped Hermione, "don't you think Katie has been through enough?, im sure she doesn't need the whole school gossiping about her". Ron looked at Ophelia with wide eyes causing her to smile.
The class had finished and the students were dismissed, everyone apart from Draco that was, he was asked to wait behind by Slughorn.

Ophelia was putting her books away in her bag when she saw a crumpled piece of parchment fall out her transfiguration book. The note she had written a week ago to Draco! Ophelia slung her bag over her shoulder and held the note in her hands debating whether to give it to him or not. "Coming Ophelia?" yelled Harry, who was already at the door with the others. "I'll catch you up later, I just need to ask about the dinner later" she lied. She watched her friends walk out of sight and glanced over to Draco, who was still sat with all his books out with Slughorn next to him with a stern look on his face. Ophelia slowly walked up to them, unsure whther to make herself known or not. Before she had a chance to decide Slughorn looked up and his face twisted to a bright smile. "Miss Black, what can I help you with". "Oh, actually professor I was hoping to talk to Draco" Ophelia said, she could feel Draco's eyes on her as her face began to flush. "Very well, I shall see you at the dinner tonight, as for you Mr Malfoy I must see your essay on polyjuice potion by next week or I shall be forced to contact your father" said Slughorn before walking away muttering something about lazy students to himself. Draco stood up abruptly and began throwing books into his bag angrily. "Let me help you" Ophelia said picking up his potions book and discretely pushing the note into the cover before handing it to him. "Thanks" Said Draco shyly avoiding eye contact, "what did you want to speak to me about anyway". Ophelia's heart dropped, she hadn't thought about what she was going to say, "I, uh, I just wanted to see if you was ok, you know about the whole thing with Katie, I know you were one of the last people to see her before it happened". Draco looked up at her and for the first time in a week she saw his lips break into a smile, "you wanted to see how I was?" he laughed. Ophelia's face began to burn with embarrassment, "why did I say that" she thought. Draco must have seen her embarrassment as he slung his bag over his shoulder and looked deep into Ophelia's eyes before saying "you know, I think your the first person ever to ask me how I am", he stared at her for a while longer before walking off, the smile still plastered on his face. Ophelia stared after him waiting for the sound of his footsteps to get out of ear shot before she walked into the hall.

Ophelia was standing in the common room with Hermione waiting for Harry to join them as they were about to leave to attend Slughorn's dinner. "Hermione do we really need to go to this dinner" whined Ophelia. "Yes, it's an honour really isn't it, out of everyone in the school he wants us to go to his dinner" Beamed Hermione, with that Ron and Harry emerged from the boys dormitories. "Bloody hell Hermione, no need to rub it in" sulked Ron. "You can always take my place Ron" smiled Ophelia, Ron smiled back at her before sitting on the sofa near the fire and began reading the Daily Prophet. "Right, lets go then" said Harry.

The friends walked into Slughorns office. They were late. The room had a large, wooden, circular table in the middle of the room. The faces of several other students were staring at them as they shuffled in. "Ahh Harry, we were all wondering where you were" Slughorn said smiling largely. "Miss Black, Miss Granger" He added nodding at the girls. They took there seats and the feast began.

The point of the dinner became apparent quite quickly, Slughorn was desperate to be known as the teacher who taught the greatest. All the students at the dinner either had successful parents or were exceptionally smart. Throughout the courses he showed the students pictures of him with photos of himself and famous witches and wizards whom he used to teach, including Harry's mother Lilly. When dessert was served Slughorn began asking each student about their parents, something Ophelia was dreading. After Hermione had explained to the group what dentists were, the attention turned to Ophelia. "Miss Black, did you know I used to teach your parents. Charming couple they were, its a shame about Sirius he had so much potential. I guess you never truly know what a person is capable off" muttered Slughorn. Ophelia clenched her teeth, she fought with all her power to not defend her father. "Your mother Marlene was an exceptional witch, absoloutely amazing at potions, I was devastated when I found out she was missing, I suppose you can only blame one person for that and that's Sirius Black". Harry put his hand on Ophelia's to try to calm her down. Ophelia stayed quiet for the rest of the night until deciding to return back to the common room early. Before she left Harry caught her arm and whispered in her ear "We know the truth about Sirius that's all that matters". She gave him a small smile before walking in to the halls.
Just as she was approaching the fat lady's portrait her deep thoughts were interrupted by a ball of parchment hitting her on the side of the face and falling to the floor. She looked around in confusion and failed to see anyone else around. She picked up the note and unfolded it.

"Dear Ophelia,

Meet me tomorrow evening at the astronomy tower after dinner

Yours sincerely, Draco".

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