Chapter 14- The ghost of Ophelia's past.

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Ophelia stood for a moment to catch her breath before reluctantly following Harry. As she emerged into the halls she could he's the echos of smashing and Bellatrix's muffled voice. She followed the source of the noise determined to find Harry. As she drew closer to the sounds she was able to make out what Bellatrix was shouting, "I killed Sirius Black, I killed Sirius Black!" She chanted. Ophelia's blood began to boil, she drew out her wand and her slow pace turned into a run.
Ophelia had left the castle and was out in the grounds when she caught up with Harry. "They're In the forest" hissed Harry, "stay here, I'll deal with it". "No Harry, I'm coming with you" Ophelia replied. He looked into her eyes and gave her s small smile before striding in to the forest. Ophelia had to jog to keep up with his paces. The forest was pitch black. They followed the sound of the muffled voices until they reached a clearing where Draco, Bellatrix, Snape and several other death eaters stood. "He trusted you!" Harry yelled as he emerged into the light, pointing his wand at Snape. Bellatrix began to how with laughter as she pointed her wand lazily at Harry. Begkre she had a chance to cast her spell Ophelia emerged into the light, her wand raised at Bellatrix. "Expelliarmus" she yelled. Bellatrixs wand flew from her hand and flew towards Ophelia, who took a step forward and caught it. The clearing was silent, Ophelia looked over to Draco who had tears in his eyes and was avoiding her gaze. Ophelia felt her own eyes fill with tears. "Aww is little Miss Black upset" mocked Bellatrix, "look Marlene, she takes after her father. She's weak". Ophelia looked over at the other death eaters and felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach. There stood in a black cloak was her mother, the mother who abandoned her when she was only a child. Ophelia's eats were full of ringing as someone stepped towards her and snatched Bellatrixs wand back. Ophelia didn't fight back, she couldn't, she felt as though her souls had left her body and she was merely a shell. She felt numb as she collapsed into Harry's arms.
Suddenly she snapped back to reality. She glanced over at where her mother was standing but herself and the other unknown death eaters had apparated. It was only Draco, Bellatrix and Snape remaining. Harry gently settled Ophelia onto the floor beside him and pointed his wand at the three death eaters. "Crucio" he yelled. The spark that erupted from his wand brushed past Draco, who jumped out of the way. Bellatrix grabbed his arm and began to pull him away into the forest. He resisted for a moment as he stared sadly into Ophelia's eyes and mouthed the words, "I'm sorry", begkre he was dragged away. Ophelia felt her heart shatter.
Snape was left alone, he was staring over at Harry. "My boy you will under stand one day" Snape said lazily. "He thought you were his friend and you killed him!" Harry yelled hysterically. Without a warning he pointed his wand at Snape and yelled "Sectumsempra". Snapes usual bored expression turned to pure anger as he used his wand to banish the spell. Snape strode over to Harry, pointed his wand into his chest and hissed, "you dare to use my own spell against me?". He removed his wand from Harry, gave it a flourish and vanished. Ophelia and Harry were left in a shocked silence.

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