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(I swear there will be other POV, I just like jaedens for now)
Jaeden's POV
It's kinda cool that all my friends know about me being gay. I just have to tell Sophia and Chosen. As gym ends, I find Sophia in the hallway. "Cmon we need to find Chosen, I have something to tell you guys." I say, pulling her along by her arm. We find Chosen and I tell him I need to tell him something. "Ok. I already told the others. I'm gay. I say easily, after already telling the rest. "Cool, dude! I'm happy for you!" Chosen says, hugging me. "Yeah, me too." Sophia says, obviously hurt. I continue to class, as if nothing happened. I can't help but smile through class. I'm happy to know they all support me. I ask the teacher if I can go to the bathroom, he says yes. As I enter the bathroom, I hear a few sniffs. "Hello?" I say, wondering who it was. I open the stall to see Wyatt, quietly crying. "Oh my god Wyatt what's wrong?" I say hugging him. He stays silent. "Hey it's ok, you can tell me." I try again. "Jaeden, if I tell you this, you have to promise not to tell ANYONE. Not any of the other losers, not even your sister." "I promise." I say confused. "Jaeden......" he starts, before breaking into sobs. I just hug him as he cries, praying nobody comes into the bathroom. His crying quiets as he prepares to tell me. "You good?" I ask. "Yeah." He replies. He takes a deep breath. "Jaeden... I think.. I'm gay too." He says, tears pouring down his red, puffy cheeks. "Hey, that's fine. I obviously won't judge you, seeing how I am too." I say, smiling at him. Holding him in my arms feels nice. And he's gay too.... oh my god I think I really like him. I mean, I knew I liked him a little, but, now I know for sure. I let go of him as he gets up to go back to class. "Hey Wyatt?" I say, grabbing his arm. As soon as he turns around he grabs my face and pulls it to his, connecting our lips. As soon as he pulls away I say, "Dang it, I was gonna do that." He giggles as we both walk back to our separate classes.
As I walk back into class, I can feel myself blushing. I still can't believe that Wyatt is gay, I mean, the guy is your typical straight dude. He plays baseball, likes to hang with friends, normal teenage boy things. He even lost his virginity, so I'm surprised to hear that he's gay. Wyatt obviously has to tell the losers at some point. Also it'll probably be pretty awkward between us after this. Too many things to think about.

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