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Wyatt's POV
I'm in the middle of class, and we get some free time.  I don't really have any friends in this class, so I just sit alone and play on my phone. While I'm scrolling through insta, I stop on a picture of Jaeden. I smile. I like the picture, but I can't seem to scroll away from it. He looks really cute in this photo. Cute. I hear whispers from the group of people behind me. "He's obviously gay. He's been staring at that photo of that guy for like 5 minutes." "Oh my god, wait till I tell Lauren." "Does anyone else find that gross?" "He's such a fag." Such a fag. I feel tears begin to form in my eyes. Was I? Was I a fag? Did I like Jaeden? I walked to the teacher and got permission to go to the bathroom. I ran into a stall and started sobbing. I really don't care who hears me. I don't wanna believe it. But I think I do like him. A guy. Oh god, I'm actually gay. My thoughts are cut off by the door the the bathrooms opening. I try to quiet my crying. "Hello?" I hear, from an all-too-familiar voice. The stall door inches open to reveal Jaeden, standing there looking concerned. "Oh my god Wyatt what's wrong?" He asks wrapping his arms around me. "Hey, it's okay you can tell me." He tries again. "If I tell you this, promise not to tell ANYONE. Not the other losers, not even your sister." "I promise." He replies, obviously confused. "Jaeden, I think I'm gay too." I whisper. "Hey, that's fine. I obviously won't judge you seeing how I'm gay too." He smiles, trying to comfort me. Oh how much joy and happiness his smile brings me. I dry the tears and stand up with Jae. Just as I'm about to walk out, I hear, "Hey Wyatt?" And with that, I can't hold it anymore. I love him so much and I have to show him. I can't hide it anymore. I turn around and connect our lips, and he surprisingly doesn't pull away. When we break away, he says, "Dang it, I was gonna do that."

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