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It's been a week since Zeus took my kids and I've called every single day but he won't return my calls. I missed my babies like crazy, Noah included.

To numb the pain my heart felt for not having my kids, I got high everyday. It gave me a piece of mind to forget how bad of a mother I am and how my kids don't need me in their lives.

Tears rolled down my face as Rodney walked into the room shirtless. I looked up at him and he looked down on me with confusion.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"I miss my kids, Rodney."

"Well bye. I'm not finna listen to you cry all day about them damn kids when I know damn well you just trying to see Zeus." He yelled.

I looked at him with disbelief. He had never spoke to me that way before and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't shook.

"Rodney, You know I only want you. It's not about him it's only about my kids." I cried.

"Man don't feed me that bullshit. You just with me for the drugs so fuck what you talking about."

"I wouldn't be on drugs if it wasn't for you. You did this to me." I yelled getting in his face.

He backhanded me so hard I hit the floor. I held my cheek and looked at him with tears streaming down my face.

This was the moment I knew I became my mother. It became so clear to me that I became the one person I said I never be but I was too naive to believe it. I abandoned my kids just like she did. Did all this over a man and drugs that would never love me back. This couldn't be me life. This couldn't be the end for me.

"You hear me fucking talk to you lil girl!" He screamed at my delivering punches to my face. "Act like you motherfucking hear me bitch."

"Okay Rodney Okay!" I pleaded as I tried to shield myself from his hits. "Stop!"

I pushed his away and stood up. He grabbed my arms gripping me as hard as he could.

"Rodney I'm pregnant!" I cried. He looked at me for a minute but his eye instantly filled with black and I knew it was the drugs in his system.

I tried to push away from him but he wouldn't loosening his grip on me. He grabbed my throat making me immediately regret what I said.

"Please... let me go..." I struggled to get out. He didn't loosen his grip on my neck as we looked into each other eyes until my body went limp and everything in me left.

This was the end for me. I was leaving two kids behind without a mother to love and care for them. I would never get to teach MaLeah how to be a lady, how to deal with her first heartbreak, or be her shoulder to cry on when she needs it. I would never be able to teach Dreyden what to look for in a woman or how to treat and respect females.

Their smiles drifted in my mind. All that played in my ears was the sounds of my kids laughter. My lifeline. My kids.

Beep Beep

The only thing that every meant something to me was gone. My life was gone.

Beep Beep

This is how I left. My kids knowing I was a failure to them. Knowing that their mom was a drug addict. Knowing their mom did this all over a man that didn't love her back. Know that the man she left them for killed her when she had a perfectly good man that was willing to take her and her kids in and love them like his own.

Beep Beep

This is it. I'm gone.



This is the end of the book. Hope you enjoyed it.

Please excuse any mistakes


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