Chapter Three

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At this point I'm so stressed out I don't know what to do. Me and Jamie got into another argument about a week ago and I haven't spoke to him since. With my due date almost two weeks away he couldn't have picked a worse time to be an ass.

I now have no job. All my money went on more things for MaLeah. Jamie isn't helping at all. How am I suppose to move out if I don't even have any money. Mama and Jason said they would help me out but I don't want to feel like a burden on them.

My stomach started growling reminded me I havent ate since this morning. I got up and walked to the living room. I saw my mom sleep on the couch with her head on Jason's lap. Jason was sitting up watching tv.

I was really craving McDonald's but I wasn't going back there since Big Calvin tried to come on to me. I knew Jason would get it for me. I don't know why but for the past two weeks Jason has been super nice to me.

"Hey Jason, I'm hungry and I wanted to know to know if you could go to McDonald's for me." I asked.

"Yeah I was hungry too. I just didn't know what to get." He said getting up. "I'll be back."

When he shut the door mama woke up.

"Where did he go?" Mama asked sitting up and rubbing here eyes. My mom was pretty even when she just woke up. My mom stood about 4'10. At the age 35 my mother still has a great body, a small waist and beautiful thickness and a big butt to match. We both shared dimples like Jamie. My daughter is bound to have to dimples unless she takes after my dad and sister.

"He went to get some food." I answered.

"Come here." She said as she patted a spot for me sit. I sat down beside her. "Tell me what's going on in your life."

"Nothing ma." I lied. As I laid my head on her lap while she played in my hair.

"Nya your my child I know your lying."

I looked down and then looked back at her with tears in my eyes.

"Mama I'm scared. I don't want to do this by myself. Jamie's not being as big of a help as he should be. I have no job and I don't know what I'm going to do about money. I know I got you and Jason but I don't be a burden on you." I cried.

"Baby your going to be alright. Your going to be the best mother ever. I was 15 when I had your sister and I was so worried about partying and hanging out with my so called friends that I forgot I was even a mother. I let my momma raise your sister. But when she started calling her mama I knew I had to step up my game. I had no job but my mom told me the only way she would let me raise her is if I was serious. So I got a job and stepped up my game. I can't lie it wasn't easy but it was worth it." Mama confessed with tears in her eyes. "I refuse to let you make the same mistakes I made as a mother."

"Thanks ma. I really needed that. " I said wiping my tears away.

"Your welcome baby. I need you to calm down and just breath. Everything will be alright. "

We sat there and watched tv still Jason got back with the food. I ate and went to sleep.


It's 12:47 a.m. and I woke up because I was in a pool of water. I thought I peed my pants til I realized it was my water. My child was coming 2 weeks early and I don't know how to feel. I'm scared and excited at the same time.

"Mama!" I yelled once I came to my senses after feeling some pain in my lower back. It wasn't a bad pain but I knew it was a contraction.

"Yes? " she walked in half sleep.

"My water broke and my contractions have started." I informed her while getting out of bed to change clothes.

"Get changed and I'll have Jason come and get you and the baby's bag." I nodded my head while putting on some yoga pants. I grabbed my phone to call Jamie but got no answer. I tried three more times before giving up and having another contraction.

"Where is the bags?" Jason asked coming in my room and turning on the light. I pointed to the two bags by the closet door because I was still having a contraction. Once my contraction was over we walked to Jason's truck and pulled out the driveway.

"On a scale 1-10 how bad is your pain? Have you called Jamie yet?" My mom asked.

"Mama I don't know and yes he didn't answer. Can you please call him again?" Handing her my phone.

A Mother's WrongDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora