Chapter 7: Finally (aka Filler)

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A/N: um. Dance party?? Wtf even happened to that last chapter???? I didn't even write it that late at night! I might just rewrite that whole thing. Let me know if you want me to. It's a bit of a mess...


Okay, Jen was officially glad that they'd managed to talk Gabriel out of the dance party idea. She suspected that he'd only suggested it because he wanted a distraction from what she'd shown him. He was taking it kind of hard, seemed especially upset at the brainwashing aspect of it. Given that he probably knew what Heaven had become since he'd last been up there, she couldn't fault him for it. But now Gabe was sulkily drinking iced sweet tea (and wow, wasn't that a mood) and eating a candy bar. Why he would choose that combination, Jennifer wasn't sure, but who was she to judge? And, much as she was reluctant to do so, she felt that they should probably get back to showing Gabriel what would have happened. Dammit, she hadn't even gotten to listen to any music (that was part of convincing Gabe that they should not have a dance party, since he'd asserted that "If there's music, I'm screwing with all the lights and we're going to have a rave in here, I swear to Dad!"). Dean was giving Kelly an abridged tour of the bunker, and Cas was sitting across from Gabriel looking tired. Of course, he always looked tired, something that Jen was going to need to help with. After stopping Satan. Because that was her life now.

"Umm, Gabriel?" She ventured. He looked over at her.

"Yeah?" It was fine, just keep talking, don't go saying something stupid.

"I, um, was wondering, um, uh. No, sorry, um, I was thinking, uh, we should probably finish, um, you know. Showing you what happened? Or, what could have happened, I guess? But anyway, we should probably finish that before everyone starts getting here. I mean, Mary's going to get here tonight, and Sam and Eileen should be getting here tomorrow." Gabriel nodded and started to get up. "Plus, we can eat lunch after we finish," Jen added. She was kind of hungry.

Gabriel headed for the doorway and Jen trailed behind him, but she turned back, feeling a little guilty that they were just going to up and leave Cas in here. He looked over at her, confused, when she turned back around.

"Hey, um, I kind of hate myself for even suggesting this, but... it might not be a bad idea for you to see this stuff too. Maybe you could come with us and Gabriel could show you everything after we finish?" Jen looked between the two angels nervously. Gabriel was frowning, but Cas was already standing up.

"You're right, I'd prefer to see... some things... for myself than listen to word-of-mouth. I trust you, Jennifer, but..." Cas's eyes flicked to Gabriel for a second, and Jen understood. Apparently Gabe did too, because he scoffed in mock offense.

"Castiel! Do you not trust me?" he asked in a hurt, scandalized voice. "I'm your big bro!"  Jennifer found a convenient penny in her pocket, and chucked it at him.

"Stop screwing around, Gabe! Let's just do it in here and get this over with." As soon as she stopped speaking, the only thought in her mind was oh shit. She'd just called him by the nickname she'd been using in her head. Shit shit shit shit shit. Fudging fudgeballs. Forking flipperdoodles. Ducking duck duck. But Gabe was actually smiling now, as he watched her awkwardly fidget and internally panic.

"Gabe?" he asked. Shit shit shit shit shit.


"I like it," he assured her. "Thought Dean-o would be the first one to nickname me. He does seem to have an affinity for nick naming angels." Gabe looked slyly at Cas, who sighed.

"Gabriel, please focus," the angel implored. Gabriel rolled his eyes.

"Fine! Party pooper," he grumbled. "Jen, got a memory for me?" Jen quickly sifted through her mind for memories from... which episode? Right, 12x22. Okay, she could use the memory of a crying Dean talking to Mary for that one.

"Yeah, got it," she replied. Gabriel raised two fingers to her forehead and immediately, 12x22 flashed through her mind. Jen barely remembered to breathe. Toni Bevel, Sam, and Dean all being trapped in the bunker. Grenade launcher. Jody. Mary. Sam taking other hunters to attack the Brits. Dean crying and talking to Mary in her mind. Ketch. Ketch getting shot by Mary. There was that, at least.

Gabriel removed his fingers and stepped back.

"Whoa. Yikes. That was intense," he managed. "Need a minute?"

Jen's eyes were a little watery, but that was without her permission. No, actually, that... it was just... raining a bit. Inside. Yeah. That was all. She shook her head in response to Gabe's question.

"Nope, we've only got one more to go, and we're getting it over with," she declared firmly. Gabriel raised his eyebrows, and Castiel frowned disbelievingly. "Shove it," she snapped at them. Gabe held up his hands in mock surrender.

"All right, all right. Got a memory?" Jen hardly had to think.

"Yep." She focused on the memory of Castiel being stabbed so hard she hardly noticed Gabriel stepping closer and placing his fingers on her forehead. 12x23 flew through her head. Cas and Kelly buying diapers, painting the house, assembling furniture. Sam, Dean, and Mary all searching for them, calling Rowena only to find her dead, calling Crowley about Lucifer, going to the cabin. The other world. The fight in the other world, Kelly giving birth, Cas going through the closing portal and stabbing Lucifer, while Sam dragged Dean back through. Cas coming back through, the relief, then being stabbed through the chest and falling to the ground, only to reveal Lucifer. Mary attacking him, getting pulled through the portal, which closed behind them. Dean falling to his knees by Cas, looking heartbroken, Sam running back to the house and discovering a fully-grown Jack. Then Gabriel yanked his fingers back and stared at her in horror.

"That... that's what would've happened?" he asked. Jen nodded. Her eyes were tearing up. I mean, no, they were just... there was just some holy water in them. To keep demons away. Yeah. "Why the hell didn't Dad tell me any of that?" Gabe wondered in a distant, vaguely horrified tone.

"What? What is it?" Cas asked them. Gabriel rounded on him.

"Why would you--"

"Gabe, shut up," Jen snapped at him. "He hasn't done it. It hasn't happened yet, and you're going to show him, to make sure it doesn't happen at all." Both angels looked at her.

"Right. Okay Castiel, brace yourself," Gabriel warned him. Cas stiffened and closed his eyes. Gabriel placed two fingers on his forehead.


A/N: okay, I think that was a decent save on the... dance party front. Let's just never speak of that again. Like, ever. Shhhhhhh. I feel like this is getting worse, lol. Anyway. Thanks for reading!

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