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When the alarm sounded the next day, Stan shot upright. He sighed and laid back down as the others woke their friends up.

Dear Ford,

I'm having a terrible time at camp.

Stan waited in line to get breakfast.

The food sucks ass. I'd go as far to say it's worse than your cooking.

The kids made their way out to dig holes. Stan, after digging for awhile, sat in the shade of his.

There isn't a drop of natural water for miles. Definitely not a lake. We've been out in this desert all day, digging holes.

"Where's a guy go to the bathroom around here?" Stan asked.

"Pick a hole."

You wouldn't last a day out here, I can tell you that. Could sure go for a swim at the beach. Working on the Stan O' War.

On the bright side (not that I'd want ANY bright side right now), I've made some friends.

"Oh, you're going to hell for sure," the kid shoved Robot's shoulder, sending him into Stan.

"Hey, leave him alone," Stan snapped.

And the water is cold. Feels nice after a long day. Just wish it wouldn't shut off when I'm in the middle of rinsing.

Stan stood under the water, washing the soap out of his hair. It shut off before he finished and didn't turn back on.

The 'counselor' isn't that great, either.

"This place smells like puke from a mule that's been ruminating on asparagus for two weeks!" Trigger said as he walked around the rec room.

And all that wildlife we learned about?

A scorpion crawled across the bed sheets on Stan's bed. He slowly stood up and quickly yanked the covers, sending it to the floor.

It sucks.

Stan sat in the rec room, finishing up his letter.

Not all the other kids here are that bad. Lots are like, criminals. Worse than Crampelter, if you can believe it. But some were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Like me.

Well, that's it for now, Sixer. Say hi to Ma and Pa and Grandpa for me.

Love, your twin brother, Stan.

A teen snatched the envelope from under Stan's hands as he finished sighing it.

"Who ya writing to?" The guy asked.

"Give it back!" Stan snapped, standing up to follow him.

"Aw, you miss your family?" The kid teased.

"I don't want him to worry," Stan growled, reaching for the letter. The teen pulled it away.

"He doesn't care."

"Yes he does, give it back!" Stan yelled.

"Believe me," the teen grabbed Stan's shirt, "he's glad to be rid of you."

He threw the letter in the trash and Stan shoved him away. He grumbled as he picked the envelope back up and smoothed it out before slipping it into the mailbox.


Trigger finished filling up Kitty's canteen and shoved it into her arms. She glared at him but didn't say anything as she walked off. Stan rubbed something off on his sleeve before handing it to Trigger.

Falling In HolesWhere stories live. Discover now