Power Couple

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"Hey, look who showed up!"

"Man, we thought you were dead for sure!"

"Hey Boxer!" Magnet called. "What'd you say?"

"Nothing," Stan answered, walking back to his hole.

"What'd she do ta ya?" Robot asked.

"Nothing," Stan repeated.

"Pbbtt. Nothing?"

"Yeah, she didn't do nothing," Stan nodded.

"Double negative," Kitty spoke up.

"Kitty, that's jus' how a lot'a people talk," Robot told her. Stan reached his hole, which was a lot deeper than he had left it, and laughed.

"What is this?" He grinned. "Thank you, guys!"

"Don't look at us."

"Yeah, it was Kitty."

Stan looked over at the girl, who blushed and looked down to continue digging her own hole. As the kids around them continued to chat, Stan walked over to Kitty and sat at the edge of her hole.

"Hey, Kitty," he greeted. "Why'd you dig my hole?"

"You didn't steal the sunflower seeds," Kitty responded. "It wasn't fair."

"Yeah, but neither did you," Stan frowned in confusion.

"...you didn't steal the shoes, either," Kitty said quietly. Stan looked at her and glanced around.

"You still wanna learn social rules?" He asked her.

"Yes!" Kitty lit up, jumping excitedly.

"Hehe, alright," Stan chuckled. He patted her shoulder and walked off. She jumped up to follow him, hugging him tightly around the chest.

"Thank you thank you thank you!"


The teens lined up for dinner.

"I don't like any hocus-pocus," Powers said in the kitchen. "$14 for onions, we don't need any onions."

"Well you told me to get onions, I got onions," the other man protested.

"I want to taste it."

"Go ahead and taste it then."

When Powers leaned down to taste the soup, he was shown to have a giant rash on the side of his face surrounding the two scratches he had gotten from the warden.

"Woah, what happened to your face?" A kid asked. Powers looked up at him before reaching across the table and grabbing his shirt.

"Something wrong with my face?! Huh?!" He asked angrily.

"No. No, Mr. Powers," the kid shook.

"You got that right," Powers growled and pushed the kid to the ground. He walked out into the middle of the room. Kitty whimpered and hid behind Stan. "Anybody see anything wrong with my face? Huh?!"

"No, Mr. Powers," the room chorused. Powers nodded curtly and left the building.

"I think we all just learned a powerful lesson," Trigger spoke up. "We're all people, and Mr. Powers is a very sensitive man. Just like all of us."

Powers slammed something to the ground outside the building.



Stan handed his canteen to Powers, who glared at him.

"You thirsty, Pines?" He asked.

"Yes, Mr. Powers," Stan answered. Powers turned on the spigot, but didn't place the canteen under its flow. As such, all the water than should have gone in Stan's canteen ended up in the dirt. Kitty frowned as she watched. Powers gave the empty canteen back to Stan.

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