Frozres - {delivery man}

361 15 13

Au: Nick's a delivery man for Tommy's house, but Tommy always orders so much stuff so one day Nick decides to return the favor.


This one house. 80769 Shred Avenue, home to Mr. Tommy Gargon, who orders so much goddamn stuff.  Every so often, he would load up the truck and drive it over to the dreaded street and stop in front of the house where he can see Tommy sitting in the front with a glass of ice tea and sitting in the shade watching him unload all of his fucking boxes without lifting a finger to help. 

It annoys him to no end, sweating in the sun moving all those heavy boxes while his employer just watches, fully knowing how hard the work was. So one day, he decided to return the favor.

He had just loaded the newest shipment of purchased items for Tommy, and drove to his house as usual. He saw the same setup, lawn chair and ice tea. He grinned, and started moving all the boxes to the yard as usual. When he finished, he wiped his hands on his jeans, and looked straight at Mr. Tommy Gargon, smiling, and said:

"You haven't payed enough for this shipment."

And with that, he turned on his heel, walking away from his customers shocked face, and got in the truck and drove back.

As soon as he got home, he walked straight to his couch and collapsed on it.

"I'm going to get fired, aren't I?" 

He said to himself as he held his head in his hands. But even as he said that, the realization of what he did dawned upon him and he started laughing, way harder then he should've. Deciding that whatever the result, it was high time that he shamed Mr. Gargon. He stood up, and headed in his room to sleep.


The next day, he expected to get a call saying "yes you've been fired please give us your uniform and never call back goodbye" for the stunt that he pulled yesterday. But to his surprise, the only call he got was from his boss Cory.

"Hey, your Nicholas Schatzki right? Anyway, one of the customers, I believe his name was Tommy Gargon, requests that you deliver his order right away. In fact, he payed us extra for speedy delivery and for you to be the delivery man. So you better get your butt over here and pick up his delivery. Okay, bye."

Confused, he drove over to his work place where the only thing there was a bouquet of roses and a sealed envelope. Since the delivery was small, he just rode one of the work bicycles over with the items strapped securely into the wire basket on the front.


Arriving at the house, he got up from the bike and walked up the stone pathway and rang the doorbell.  

Receiving no answer, he knocked loudly and cleared his throat and said "Um, delivery for Tommy, Tommy Gargon?" 

From the inside he could hear mutters of 'shit he's already here at least now I know their delivery really is speedy" and "hope this works, or else my moneys gone to waste" before he heard the sounds of feet thundering to the door.

Straightening up, he held the bouquet tighter as the door opened to reveal his customer in a hoodie and a emoji mask covering the top half of his face.

He had messy blonde-brown hair, and a cheeky smile on his face and fuck he was handsome. Sensing his gaze, Tommy grinned and said "Checking me out? I wouldn't blame you, I really am hot." 

Blushing, caught gazing at him Nick responded with "Yeah, if you were hot garbage. Anyway, the only reason I'm here is to deliver these to you." And with that, Nick shoved the flowers and letter into Tommy's hands and prepared to run far away.

"Hehehe, but these already got delivered. Excuse me, but these are for you. And I must say, blushing is a very good look for you. You should do it more often. Especially for me." He said, and grabbed his hand right when he was making his escape. he swung Nick around, and placed the letter and flowers in his hand.

"So, I guess I'll see you soon. Bye~" Tommy said over his shoulder, grinning at Nick as he stood there with the flowers still clutched in his hands.

"W-Whatever jerk!" Nick called back, stumbling over his words as he ran back to his bike and pedaled back to the office.


Back at his home after the delivery, he stared at the letter for a few seconds, deciding whether he should open it or not before his curiosity overtook him. Opening the letter, it contained a few words:

I've got some important number for you: (626)-387-6254. Make sure to memorize it, 'cause I'm sure that you'll be calling that number a lot now.

P.S I don't like the color green, so don't wear your uniform when I'm around.

Love Tommy ;D


Welp, that was the most I ever wrote. Thanks for the request. I was happy to write it, and I'm sorry it came out later then I hoped. Bad Author. anyways, keep requesting down in the comments if you like this. Bai!


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