Chapter 6

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⠀⠀⠀⠀If you truly love someone,⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀being faithful is easy.

Kenma stared down at his math textbook, his head propped on his right hand. Twirling his pen subconsciously, he thought about yesterday and how Kuroo seemed really disappointed at his reply.

He shouldn't have replied the way he had. It must have been very rude to someone whom he had just met recently. Furthermore, he actually hoped that Kuroo would be his friend — and maybe a close friend. Kuroo was the first one to ever approach him so easily and that was what made him feel that he was special.

And now he had probably ruined his chance of becoming good friends with him.

I should find him later. Kenma placed his pen down on his textbook firmly. I'll tell him the truth.

He looked at the clock hanging on the classroom wall and watched as hands of the clock moved systematically in a clockwise direction.

For the first time, he wished time would pass by faster just because of one person.


Where is that guy...

Kenma had left his classroom straightaway after school had ended and searched the corridors where the 3rd years' classrooms would be. The entire corridor was filled with tall guys fooling around and girls who crowded in groups, making it harder to search for that one guy.

He squeezed past the crowd with some difficulty, trying not to bump into someone or trip over someone's foot and at the same time, keeping an eye out for a familiar figure. He had heard his friends mentioning Kuroo's class before, but he didn't know if it was true. Well, he was now about to find out.

But unfortunately, to his dismay, just when he had managed to emerge from a rather large crowd, his foot came in contact with somebody else's and in the next moment, he found himself tumbling forwards into empty space.

All of it happened in a flash. Pain shot up his shoulders as two long arms hooked his underarms instantly and squeezed him tightly, as though whoever who had caught him was afraid to let him go. His head bumped into something flat and he felt the crisp texture of school uniform. He heard the person in front of him gasp in surprise and lift Kenma up a little to a standing position.

Kenma's heart pounded as he stood in shock, his eyes wide. In an instant, an apology escaped his lips.

"Sorry, sorry." He bowed slightly and looked up — and was stunned. 

Standing before him was an extremely tall boy, probably around 190cm or maybe even taller. He stood like a wall cutting off his path, long limbs threatening to twine around Kenma and strangle him. Kenma had to crane his neck just to meet the boy's eyes and was left bewildered by the colour of those pupils. 

They were green.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" The tall boy's eyes reflected concern. Even his accent surprised Kenma — he looked like a foreigner, but his accent was perfectly and completely Japanese. (I imagined him saying that in Korean when I typed it I think this is the result of watching too many Korean dramas someone slap me out of it =D )

"I —" Kenma started, but was soon cut off by another voice: "Kenma?"

A familiar figure stepped beside the tall guy and regarded Kenma with curiosity. "What are you doing here?" 

Kenma blinked and realised, to his relief, that it was Kuroo. He gave a small smile and said, "I need to talk to you." 

Kuroo's eyebrows raised. "About?" 

Monster || Kuroken ||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن