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After a while they left France and moved to China.

Wonho still remembers being I'm China shortly before he met Kihyun. Once again he was there because of Changkyun. It isn't one of his best memories. None of the memories involving Changkyun were good ones. He doesn't even remember anymore why he hates this boy enough to kill him over and over again. Maybe he doesn't even hate him. No, he was sure he doesn't hate Changkyun. He's just sure that he doesn't like him enough to let him live. But maybe, if he would give Changkyun a chance- NO! Those weren't the thoughts he is allowed to have. His brother taught him not to think like that.


He's ripped out of his thought by Kihyun's voice calling him from the kitchen.

"Could you come here a moment, please?"

Something about Kihyun's voice sounded weird to him. Kihyun sounded kinda scared, frightened to be precise. Wonho knew what that sound in a voice meant. He heard it in Changkyun's voice everytime. Kihyun was either threatened or hurt!

He quickly jumped down the stairs and ran into the kitchen.

He couldn't say he was suprised by the scene he walked into. A guy Wonho may saw once on the street was standing against the kitchen counter holding a gun in his hand and grinning.

Kihyun was sitting on a chair, his hands bound together with a kitchen towel and silent tears stream down his face. He probably was told to keep silent and sit still. Wonho knew how this worked. The robber gets the people into one room, cuffs them and gets all expensive things before he leaves.

"If you want that nothing happens to your tiny friend over there you should listen to what I say", the guy says and Wonho nods slowly.

By the way Kihyun looked confused at him he could tell that Kihyun didn't understand a word the guy said. He isn't here long enough to get a hold of the language.

"It's okay, Kihyun", he says but regrets it the second the guy slaps him across his face.

"No talking!", he commands.

Wonho nods but adds: "He doesn't really understand Japanese. I just told him the same you told me."

The guy nods and chuckles a little.

"I know he doesn't understand me. I had to talk to him in English to get you down here, Wonho."

"You know me?" Wonho already ignored the rile of not talking.

"I knew your brother."

Wonho takes in a deep breath and looks at the guys face again. He didn't saw this guy on the street but he also met him before that. Around a hundred years ago. He was like Wonho and his brother. Killing his soulmate to stay young forever.

"What do you want, Mingyu?"

The tall guy chuckles again and shakes his head in disbelief.

"Can't I just visit an old friend?"

"We're not friends. We never were", Wonho says angrily.

"You're right, we've never been close but I'm sure you can help me with soemthing, right?", Mingyu says while he points his gun at Kihyun.

"Or your tiny friend will take his last breath pretty soon."

"Is Wonwoo here? Are you searching for him?", Wonho asks desperately.

"No. But you'll find out what you have to do soon enough."

With that Mingyu lifts his gun and for a moment Wonho thinks he'll shoot Kihyun. But the gun hits Wonho on the head instead.

Everything went black and the memories rush in.

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