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If he regretted it?

He wasn't sure.

It was so long ago when he told Kihyun that a relationship between them wouldn't work out.

It was years ago when Kihyun found out about him killing his soulmate.

And yesterday that tiny little guy had broken down the walls Wonho had built up around himself to protect both of them.

He could say it was the alcohol.

But what he couldn't deny that a part of him wanted this. Wanted to hold Kihyun in his arms like he did last night. Having Kihyun under him and moaning out his name over and over again. Wanted to cuddle with him afterwards and fall asleep with him in his arms but...

Kihyun was drunk too. And that's what Wonho was worried about.

What if it only was the alcohol that made Kihyun spent the night with him? What if Kihyun regretted it?

Wonho was scared what would happen as soon as Kihyun wakes up. Wonho was awake already Kihyun sleeping peacefully on his chest.

He was so scared that he ruined everything. The only thing he always wanted was to protect Kihyun. And the best way to do that was to help Kihyun find his soulmate and back out of his life. But Kihyun's soulmate was somewhere out there in the world and Kihyun was here, in Wonho's bed and Wonho's arms.

Wonho nearly fells asleep again when Kiyhun started to move in his arms. Stretching out his limps the smaller boy rolled over and sat up not seeming to notice Wonho at all.

Only when Kihyun wants to stand up and notices that he is naked he turns around and sees Wonho holding himself up on his elbows in the bed.

"Oh my god", he breaths out and hides his face behind his hands.

"Oh my god!", he say louder when the memories of last night come back.

Kihyun stands up and runs into the bathroom. Wonho follows him quickly throwing on some clothes on the way.

He knocks on the door but gets no response.

"Kihyun, I don't know what you're feeling right now okay. I don't know if you wanna talk about it. It's my fault okay. I wasn't careful enough. It was a mistake-"

Wonho is interrupted by Kihyun suddenly opening the door.

"A mistake?", he asks, his voice thinner and more hurt than Wonho expected.

"Kihyun we broke up a long time ago. You have to find your soulmate and be happy. I'm not good for you."

"Not good for me?! Can't I decided what is good for me or not!? I'm a grown up man and for God's sake, Wonho, I love you! I never stopped loving you but you always push me away and I accepted that but last night. Last night all the feelings...Wonho, I wanted that last night! I didn't do this because of the alcohol! But I know how you see things, Wonho I know why you keep people away from you, why you keep me away from you. And I'll accept that like I always did. But please just don't do something like last night ever again. Don't make me false hope."

Wonho didn't expect that when he thought about how Kihyun would deal with it but all he could do now was to do the same as Kihyun: Accept that they couldn't be together.

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