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"You still remember what I told you to do", his brother asks him.

"Yes, I do", Wonho answers.

"He's gonna feed the horses and when he does so I'll go talk to him and if I'm sure no one except him is around I'm going to use my sword."

"How are you going to use it?"

"Stab him and then slit his throat to be sure."

His brother planned all of this through. After he was sure the boy called Lim Changkyun was Wonho's soulmate (don't aks Wonho how his brother knew that for sure) he told Wonho everything he had to know, everything he had to do.

Since Wonho was seven years old his brother and father taught him various types of fight techniques and so many things he had to know about the soulmate system. Wonho believed in what they said. He believed that he should be selfish and kill his soulmate instead of growing old with them.

But now that the time has come he actually had to do it he was nervous. He didn't understand his feelings. Was he excited or was he afraid? He couldn't tell. But he knew for sure he had to do what his brother told him to.

"Good. Then I'll see you afterwards:, his brother says, pats him on the shoulder and leaves Wonho alone.

He takes a few deep breaths and starts to pack his things. Something to eat and drink, his sword.

When he arrives at the barn it's already afternoon. He first watches from afar and he can't help but smile when he sees Changkyun feeding the horses and talking to them. He knew that the boy sees those animals as friends and part of the family.

"Hello", Wonho says and walks inside after he's sure that only Changkyun was there.

"Oh? Hello, what brings you here, Sir?", Changkyun asks curiously.

"I was around and saw those beautiful animals here. I just wanted to take a closer look", Wonho answers.
He decided it was the best way to get the boy involved in a conversation.

"Yes, they're really beautiful."

"You're interested in one of them?", Changkyun continues to aks questions.

"I don't really know but interested in something else", Wonho says.

Changkyun blushes knowing exactly that Wonho was trying to flirt with him.

"And that is?"

"Living forever", Wonho asnwers truthfully and stabs Changkyun.

Changkyun gasps and looks at Wonho's sword inside of his abdomen. His eyes are wide in fear.

"Why?", he breaths out.

"I don't know", Wonho mumbles.

"I really don't know."

Wonho pulls his sword out of Changkyun and the latter falls down on his knees. Wonho leans down and sits the boy's throat with one swift motion.

That's when he breaks down himself. Tears building in his eyes. A bringing pain in his chest.

"You did good, Wonho."

His brother suddenly appears behind him and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Why does it hurt so much?"

"That's normal. It will hurt less and less."

"I don't want it to hurt at all!", Wonho shouts out, still in pain.

He's now a sobbing mess while his brother tries to comfort him somehow. Wonho us sure he still remembers his first time too. Why hadn't he told Wonho anything about the pain?

"It'll stop soon. Believe me."

"I never wanted it to start."

Forever (Kiho/Showki)Where stories live. Discover now