Chapter 1: Nightmares of Nobody

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Dedicated to: EternalxSong! 

The Scars We Hide

Copyright 2012

Chapter 1: Nightmares of Nobody

Heavy breathing could be heard. 


Pain course through his body in powerful nostalgic waves, he noticed the gun in his hands and dropped it instantly.

But that is war...”

What are you doing! Why are you fighting?” an angry voice shouted.

You're a murderer!”

Why couldn't you protect her like you said you would?”

He took two staggering steps forward then glanced at his hands and gasped in horror. His hands were stained with blood and the accusing voices got louder. Dropping to his knees the boy clasped his hands on his ears trying to block out the accusations.

I-I tried to! I couldn't protect” he cried. A figure appeared before him, it was of a pretty girl with dark brown hair “Kale” her voice came out airy “You said you'd always protect me” she smiled sadly.


The boy opened his eyes and jumped up panting heavily as sweat beads ran down his face. He looked at his hands and saw with the light emanating from the moonlight which shined in the room, and saw that there was no blood.

“Damn it!” he cursed clutching fists full of his hair, as tears streamed down his face. “Why...can't it just stop?”


Sometime after that vivid dream the boy fell asleep only to be woken up by a horrendous ringing of his phone. Groaning he blindly felt around his night stand.

“Hello” he mumbled.

A feminine chuckle filled his ear “Good morning! Happy birthday Kale! How are you?” she greeted him in her high hyper voice.

“Ugh! For fuck's sake! Go away Tessa!”

She chided him “My you never learn do you? You still cuss like a sailor”

Kale rolled his eyes “What do you want?” he yawned. “Come to breakfast with Ashton, Jeremy and I” she demanded, Kale swore he could almost hear her cross her arms over her chest and pout. “No” he said simply.

“Kale!” she whined stretching out his name “Please! Please! Pretty, pretty please! Say yes or else I'll have Maria kick your ass, plant it on a board and hang it over the fireplace!” she threatened. Kale rolled his eyes, his sister could be so...annoying “Alright, okay, d'accord, ma soeur. Give me the place and time and I'll meet you there. You know you're a real pain”

“Bien sur asshole. There's this new cafe I always wanted to try out! I'll text you the directions, be there at ten!”

Kale yawned again “Yeah, yeah”

There was a pause “Kale, you better come” Tessa said quietly. Kale's eyes softened “Sure” he replied just as quietly and hung up. Sighing he looked at the time '8:15' Today was May 18th, his twenty seventh birthday. A wry look coloured his face as he got up and went to the bathroom.


“According to Tess's directions the place should be a ten minute walk from my apartment” Kale said as he re-read the directions his sister gave to him, now that he was all clean and shaved he felt a little more better and a wake. Donning a pair of jeans and a light blue long sleeved shirt he grabbed his keys, wallet and cell and walked out of his apartment. Hitting the elevator button he ran a hand through his brown already messed up hair. He felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind “Good morning Kale” a voice purred. Soon his nightmare was forgotten and a new familiar feelings replaced.

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