Chapter 2: Hate

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The Scars We Hide

Copyright 2012

Chapter 2: Hate

“Well, it was nice spending time with you guys, but I have to jet” Ashton said standing up, he was about to take out his wallet but Kale stopped him. “Ash, don't worry about the bill” he said smiling slightly.

“That's what you told Jeremy when he left” Ashton smirked, Kale mirrored the smirk and brushed off his friend “Then the two of you owe me lunch some other time”

Nodding Ashton saying goodbye to his friends and to Summer and her friends. They waved then quickly went back to their conversation.

Kale just blankly stared at the girls laughing so hard. Seeing her brother distracted Tessa sighed “Kale, what's wrong?”

“She's so happy” he said simply his face staying stoic as he watched Kodak laugh, apparently whatever the blonde had said, had put the brunette in tears.


He sighed “So carefree. Did you hear anything from Terminal?” he asked changing the subject.

Tessa was thoughtful for a second “I-I haven't heard anything from them, but I'm scared that they're up to something. Ms. Maria is saying that we all should be on alert.” she said softly looking down.

Kale simple hummed acknowledging that he had heard her, from the corner of his eye he noticed someone walking into the cafe quietly with something hidden. He watched as the boy had a huge grin on his face and stealthily crept up behind the brunette who was animatedly talking about a project at some marketing firm. As he got close to her he whipped out a balloon full of water and threw is at the brunette, soaking the girl.

“What the f-” she sputtered and turned around, her eyes narrowed when she saw the culprit

“Alex! YOU BASTARD!” she yelled. The boy was doubled over laughing so hard like her friends were, and Kale himself couldn't help but chuckle as Tessa quietly giggled.

She stood up outraged “You, you idiot! You are in so much fucking trouble”

Sensing danger the boy took the cue and high tailed it out of there yelling 'Catch me if you can fat ass!'

As the brunette ran in hot pursuit Kale eyed her pants then laughed again. Looking at him curiously Tessa asked “What? What is it?”

“Her....pants....are....white!” he choked out in between laughs. Tessa scrunched up her face

“Huh?” then she realized “Oh! She's wearing white pants!” she covered her mouth.


“That girl's a class-A idiot” Kale said shaking his head as he walked back to his apartment, he narrowed his eyes just at the thought of that girl, something about her just seemed to stand out to him. It was an odd feeling that made his insides burn, he couldn't figure out what exactly he was feeling but it made him want to hate and resent the brunette.

'Why?' he wondered, his statement at the coffee shop about her being so happy and carefree seemed to piss him off. Why was she able to be like that? Didn't he deserve some happiness?

Stupid thoughts and questions clouded his mind, sighing irritatedly he decided that maybe going for a run would erase the thoughts about the alluring brunette. Feeling a little lazy, he decided that he would run five kilometres, back in the military that would have been child’s play.

He ran as hard and as fast as he could, cussing out the brunette girl all the way. His mind filled with things like:

I bet she was a pompous, plastic in high school.

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