Chapter 13

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"I'm back!" I called out as I walked in the house. "And I brought apple pie!"

It was quiet in here...too quiet...

My sister walked out of the living room and smiled at me innocently, standing there like if she just did something bad even though she is acting all innocent.

"Big bro, we've been expecting you. Follow me please." She said as she walked back towards the living room. I followed her all confused as I see our parents sitting there with a disappointed and angry face.

"I prefer for you to sit down. Things will get a bit harsh." She told me as I sat down. " it true?" My dad asked me leaving me all confused of not what's going on.

"What's true? That I'm gay? Well yeah I am gay." I said think that's what he meant even though He already knows that. "Evan don't play dumb on us, is it true that you're a drug selling company?" My dad asked again with a more serious tone.

Slowly I look up at my sister who had an evil smirk on her face, she was enjoying every moment of this. This bitch!

"I have the proof on my phone but Evan has my phone...confiscating it for a week." She said pointing at me. "Evan hand us the phone." My dad ordered as I just stare down at my hands. "I can't do it dad." I mumbled. "Evan...hand us the phone now." He said full on dead serious on me.

I know for a fact I deleted all of the evidence. So I must be good.

Slowly I hand him the phone and my sister sat down by his side, telling him the password and some other stuff of where to go. "Hmm...go to the recently deleted album dad." She said pointing at it.

SHIIIIIITTTTT!!!! How did I forget that?!

"Oh my are a drug selling company and a porn star." My dad said so disappointed as my mom slowly looked up at me, tears forming on her face. She immediately got up and slapped me across the face which stung a lot.

" can explain." "We don't need your stupid've said enough." My mom said as she paced back and forth. "Oh Evan, we didn't race you to turn out like this. To turn out as a slut and a drug addict!!" Mom said as I look down at my feet. "You are a disgrace to this family." Mom said as she stormed off.

"D-Dad...I'm sorry." I stuttered as slowly look up at him with teary eyes. "I don't consider you as my son anymore. Jacklyn go pack up, we're leaving tomorrow early." He said as he got up, leaving me here alone in the dark living room.

"I told you that you shouldn't have done that." She whispered against my ear as she giggle. "Here..." I take out my wallet and hand her a huge load of money and a white envelope. "It's a thousand grand, for mom, dad, and you. And a invitation if you guys want to come to the wedding." I mumbled as she immediately took them and grinned wide.

"Don't worry brother, they don't need you anymore. You are unneeded to them and to me too." She said as she walked off, laughing evil.


Tears slide down my face and against my stinging red cheek with mom's hand marked on it. My reached under the couch taking out a hidden pistol for emergencies. Then I aim it at my own head.

"Sir, lets talk about all of this."

I look up seeing Brock standing there all worried as he sat down beside me. " I really unneeded in this world?" "Oh no sir, you are always needed. I need you. Jonathan needs you, Craig, Tyler, all of us need you here with us. Maybe that new friend of yours needs you too." He said mentioning Marcel.

"How do you know about Marcel?"

"Oh I was walking towards the market to get some milk and eggs and saw you talking to him in your favorite Cafe." Brock said as he slowly lowered the gun down, away from my head. Then he took it from my hand, placing it away from me as possible.

"How about we eat that pie together, you and me only." He told me with a smile as I sniff and nodded slowly as I lift up the bag with the apple pie in it, which was contained in a small cardboard box.

I hand him a fork and we both start to eat this together. "Sir, thank you so much for taking me in. Even if I did so many bad things in the past, thank you so much for letting me stay here and work here for you." He said as he wrapped his arm around me and cut out a small piece of pie.

We stayed like this for the rest of day, eating the pie and watching movies like Deadpool and Fifty Shades of Grey. Then when it was night time, 15 minutes before my bedtime, Brock took me to my bedroom and helped me dress up in my comfy pjs which is just Jon's hoodie and some grey boxers. Oh I also had my high knee stripped socks

"Come on Evan, lets go brush your teeth." He told me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and guide me to the bathroom. I brush my teeth as he brushed my hair.

"Oh my baby."

I look over seeing Jon leaning against the doorframe as I kept brushing my teeth. "Brock told me everything that just happened so there is no explanation." He told me as Brock nodded. I spat out in the sink and rinsed off my mouth.

"I'm really sorry..." I mumbled as tears started to form in my eyes again. Jon came up to me as pulled me into a tight hug. "Shh princess, come on let's go put you to bed." He whispered against my ear as I cried against his chest.

He then tucked me in the bed and planted a kiss on my forehead as Brock smiled and left the room, closing it behind him. Jon looked down at me and undressed himself, taking his shirt and pants off, leaving him only in his boxers.

I slightly blush and stare at his hard toned body that even my tongue licked my lips automatically. "I-I can't sleep..." I mumbled as he slightly chuckled and crawled on top of me, forcefully placing my hands over my head.

"I'll make you forget of all of the problems today." He whispered against my ear as his lips brushed against my cheek and up to my lips. Kissing me passionately.

The moon shining through the opened window as the curtains flowed with the wind. The lights were all turned off so we were using the only source of light visible which was the moon.

One of his hands sliding down against my body and then sliding off my boxers and his in two swift moves. Starting to pump me fast, already making my breath feel shaky.

"We're gonna do this dry as your sweet little punishment." He told me as I nodded, already feeling eager for him. "F-Fuck me already daddy~" I moaned out as he stretched my legs wide open and slowly entered me, making my groan and bite my lower lip.

He leaned over towards my face and kissed me deeply, our tongues moving and fighting with each other. That when I forgot almost every single bad thing from today, but tears formed in my eyes, sliding down by the sides of my head.

He was thrusting in me with a slow pace until he started going a bit faster. "You can let it all out baby. I'll be right here." He told me as more tears slid down the sides and pull him into my face, kissing him more as he kept thrusting in me at now more fast pace.

We both were a moaning and grunting mess, the amount of hickeys he left on my neck, out lips probably being swollen from every kiss. I just love him so much!

"T-Thank you~" I moaned out as he kept thrusting.

"For what kitten?"

"F-For being here with me a-and aah~ fuck~" I moaned out again. "And for b-being p-p-part~ oh fuck! For being part of my life! Fuck me!~" I moaned out loudly as I gripped the bedsheets.

His lips formed a smile and kissed me passionately as he kept pounding me roughly. "Thank you for not giving up." He told me as I nodded, tears flowing down my face and my cheeks fully red and a smile formed on my face.

I let out a squeal and closed my eyes tightly. "Oh god! Fuck me harder daddy~ fuck me! I deserve this! I'm your little play toy! Fuck me all you want!~ AH!" I yelled out as the bed squeaked and banged against the wall. The sound of our skin slapping against each other echoed in this room.


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