That one answer

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Finn: who what where when why
Millie: I just...can alright
Finn: Millie this is awesome
Millie: how did I know you where going to say that
Finn: sorry
Millie: it's ok
Finn: but how can you do that...stuff
Finn: you can tell me idc at all
*finn grabs Millie's hand*
Millie: well, I not going to say my backstory but you see that branch
Finn nods
Millie is giving a death stare at the branch
The branch suddenly is floating in the air
Finn: what the hell
Millie's nose is bleeding
Finn: ok Millie stop your nose is bleeding
Millie looks away from the branch
Millie: ya I kinda have powers
Finn: you gotta be careful
Millie: I know
When they where about to get up
They saw Noah

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