Calebs pov

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All of a sudden Millie was giving a death stare and all of a sudden Noah falls to the ground
Gaten: holy shit
Me: wtf
Millie's nose was bleeding
Gaten: Caleb her nose
Me: why would you do that
Millie: he was being rude
Me: something is up with you
Millie: nothing is wrong
Me: whatever what did you do to Noah
Millie: I made him faint
Gaten: hey you don't do that you could kill him
Millie: ok...sorry
Me: yeah you should be
Millie: we where suppose to go to the library
Gaten: well that's not happening
Millie then was feeling bad about what she did
Millie: sorry but he needs to go to the nurse
Me: good idea
Gaten picks up Noah
Gaten: damn and I thought he was heavy
Millie: come on
Nurse comes out
Nurse: AHHHHH what happend
Gaten was lying at this point
Gaten: idk he just fell on the floor
Me: yeah he was getting pale
Millie: and he was sweating a lot
Nurse: it is well hot outside
We walked in the nurses room
Millie was using her powers at a good time to make it look like he was out for a good 20 mins
Noah wakes up
Nurse: ahh he awake
Noah looking a little confused
Nurse: you guys can go over there
Noah: wtf am I doing here
We then explain a plan that was quick not to make it suspicious
Nurse: ok Noah would you like to stay here or
Noah: I wanna go home
Ok well all of you guys can go home if you like
We all say yes helping Noah up
Once we where walking home we all stop
Gaten: you all right man
Noah: ya
Millie: I'm sorry
Noah was looking pissed
Millie: please forgive me I'm really am sorry
Noah: fine I forgive you
Me: guys since we're out we should stop by Finns house
Millie: good idea
Gaten: yeah iv been a little nervous for him
Me: let's go then
We all walk to Finns house
Finns parents cars where gone so they must have went on another vacation
The house was quite and still
Non of us really wanted to check it out but we knew Finn was in there probably with nick
Millie: don't worry guys you have me I can kill nick in a snap
Gaten: you can't do that it's kinda ILLEGAL
We then where a little safe with her words but as we stood there for a good second we couldn't turn back now
Noah was brave enough to open the door
Noah: damn it
Gaten: what
Noah: it's locked
Gaten then told Millie if she could unlock it
Millie nodded and closed her eyes and we then heard the door unlock
The inside was filthy with a lot of crap on the floor
Like books and broken glass
And we saw some red stuff that we hoped wasn't blood
We let Millie go first as we knew she could use her powers
We where all so quite and went up stairs
We then hear Finn sounding like he couldn't breath
Millie told us to stop as she was closing her eyes again
Millie: Finn is the only in there
I opened the door seeing Finn tied up and with a black eye and blood
Finn had duck tape over his mouth and we pulled it off
Gaten: omg
We then hear big stomps coming tord the room we all where in

Doing more chapters soon
Could you guys tell me if I should keep going with this book

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