The real millie part 1

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Btw Finn got a new house now
There was police sirens and the noise of people demanding of what happened
Later a police cop came up to Noah,Finn,Gaten,and Caleb to ask what the hell happened
Millie wasn't showing her face at all even tho she was behind them
Cop 1:so Gaten you're coming with me
Cop 2: Caleb you're coming with me and Noah
Cop 3: and Finn your coming with me and- HEY YOUNG LADY YOU GONNA HAVE TO COME WITH ME PLEASE
Millie wasn't paying any eye contact at all
Noah just said something and said
"She's a friend wasn't involved"
The cops bought it
Cop 2: caleb and Noah what's you parents phone numbers——
Cop 3: finn you're parents numbers——
Cop 1: Gaten, phone number of parents—-
And some cops where looking around the wood and broken glass and everything they found.........................................nicks body
Cop: hey hopper!! We found a kids body
Hopper ( cop 3): finn do you know this guy
Finn: ya that's my ABUSING step brother
Hopper: can you guys tell us what happened
A few hours past and the case was closed
They all had to lie about Millie
They all just said we found a key blah blah blah
Broke the chains blah blah blah found a bat broke is bones blah blah blah found needles and stuck then through his eyes blah blah blah killed him
Case was closed
It was 7:30 and it was night
Finn got a cast on his leg and had crutches
He was taking a walk but really he was looking for Millie
At some times he would whisper yell saying "Millie"
He was at it for 5 minuets
When he heard a soft "Finn?"
Finn: is that you millie?
Millie: yes
Then a light from a candle came on
Millie then said "this is my home"
Sounding really sad
Her "home" was cardboard as floors and a suit case that had close in them and a dirty pillow a dirty blanket with holes in them some pictures that were in Millie's hand 2 candles and 5 hair ties  and a few snacks with 6 books
Millie was practically homeless (not making fun of homeless people. I feel so sorry for them)
Millie looked really sad
Millie: um ya.... this is me. Sorry it's really-
Finn: is this why you didn't answer my question on the first day
Millie was crying
Millie: yes...I didn't want you to know that because I just-
Finn right then and there kissed her
Finn cupped her face dropping his crutches
And she was holding both of his wrists
Finn: I don't care that you live here
I don't care about this at all I only care about you
Finn: do you want to tell me how you got here and have powers
Millie: ya I trust you
Finn: ok bc I want to help you
Millie: Ok so it all started with me

Doing more chapters

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