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You looked over at your youngest son as he smiled widely to your other son who was making exaggerated movements as he told him a story about a fearless prince, you were so caught up in their laughter that you didn't realize Stannis had been seated next to you smiling as he held your hand. "We truly are blessed my love." He said softly into your ears causing you to sigh contently agreeing with his statement which caught the attention of your children "Mother! Father!" You heard your eldest son yell from the doorway "What is it darling?" You said sweeping your dress away as you made haste to the door seeing Robert accompanied with his family as well as Ned Stark, you smiled at Ned and Robert.

"What do we owe the pleasure of having your company for the evening?" Your husband said standing behind you with his hand softly placed on your shoulder as your eyes flickered to Roberts kids you saw an unknown spark in Joffrey's eyes causing you to have a chilling sensation, there were rumors about your family, going into depth saying that he and his siblings were conceived by cursed relationship of your sister and brother but you were not one to entertain such rumors yet that didn't mean that you didn't understand the truth behind the statements.

Ned had caught your eyes wander from the children to their mother but he said nothing only shaking his head softly as he read your mind, Ned knew the truth but he refused to ruin his friends only chance at being a father "Supper then?" Stannis said continuing the unheard conversation as he motioned you to move with him, he knew you were lost in deep thought but he made no sharp remark or comment because of the company in your home. As you all went through supper, you had heard some maids snicker and make comments towards the Lannister children, Stannis had silenced them commanding them to keep their rumors to themselves or they wouldn't have a tongue to continue to spew lies causing you to stare at his "Children." You spat softly, not meaning Robert's children, but your four children who were seated at the table afraid to speak against their father causing you to sigh.

"Please excuse me, I am not feeling quite well." You said bowing your head softly feeling a little hands grab yours as you looked down you see your youngest son's on either hand "May we join you mommy?" They ask softly as you nod knowing they aren't very bold children and do not take well to strangers in their house, your children were always excellent at telling a person's motive and they knew their family the Lannisters were a rotten bunch causing them to refuse socializing with them. "We'll take them mother." You eldest sons said grabbing both hands of younger sons hand as they kissed your cheek wishing you a good night, you walked them walk to their chambers for bed as you made your way to the courtyard sitting on a bench as you looked at the moon in the sky, trying to collect yourself and thoughts.

"You're not wrong my lady." Ned said as he sat beside you "Not wrong about what exactly Ned?" You said not looking at him, simply staring into the stars as they shined over your home. "I fear the idea of telling him the truth, but he has every right to know.." Ned said quietly causing you to become more alert, you and Ned always spoke freely around one another because they was never a need for formalities seeing as you both held no proper title away from your homes "So why not tell him Ned? Why waste his time with children that aren't his?" You said, you cared deeply for your brother in law "He would not believe me, he can barely see anything, the difference between his children and yours are extraordinary yet he doesn't believe it." Ned said frustratedly.

"I see more then you give me credit for Stark." Robert said chuckling causing you to both to gasp as you looked in his direction "Robert, I meant no offense.." Ned stated but you cut him off "Robert, I love you dearly as a brother of mine, they are not yours and you know it as you look at them." You said as Robert nodded hugging you tightly "They are plotting to kill you Robert and take your crown." Ned said boldly as you felt Robert stiffen at his words "Robert.." you said softly as you pulled away from his embrace, he looked over to Ned "I must kill them. My bitch of a wife and bastardized children." He said spitting on the floor and as he spoke your mind floated to Myrcella and Tommen there were such sweet children.

"Robert spare Myrcella and Tommen, they didn't ask to be born of such roots, please they are good and pure children." You pleaded softly as he looked at you nodding knowing that you were right "I will execute them and banish the other two away from my land." He said sharply as he turned away from you and Ned talking back into your home stating he would retire for the night as you and Ned nodded.

As he walked away you felt the cold wind pick up around you both, as you walked inside your home and to your chambers not saying a word, all you could think of was Robert's words as you laid your head down to let you dark slumber consume you. Within a week of his visit Robert had invited you to your sister and brothers execution, he spared your family the details of how he discovered the truth, fearing for you and your sons safely later on because he did care for you as a sister in law, wish you hadn't come from such a cruel family.

You watched your sister, brother and nephew stand straight with shackles around their hands and legs, one by one the executors kicked them to kneel in front of the block and basket "These people have committed treason against the king, and for that they must be punished severely because the Mad King was not the only king who sees intense punishment as a crime! Now cheer with me as we rid our city of foul souls!" Robert said causing an uproar of cheers through the crowd and the executors raised their axes and brought them down in such a hasty speed causing you to looking away and bury yourself into Stannis chest not wanting to look at your relatives being killed.

"It has to be done my love, as much as I despise my brother he could never keep such dangerous company." Stannis said rubbing your back softly. All you could think about where your niece and nephew who had not asked to be born into such a corrupt family but the thought of them spending the rest of their lives in Dorne gave you a warm feeling knowing they would be safer there then they would have been in King's Landing. "I know darling, I just wish it wasnt a the cost of children's lives." you said softly leaning into his embrace as you two snuck off from the crowd and back into the cold castle halls.

"Lannisters always repay their debts, and for their treason they paid with their heads." You whispered softly to your husband as he stood shocked at your words "I am fine darling." you said smiling shyly as you both continued to walk down the corridor watching the maids and servants continue on with their duties and preparations for tonight's celebration for King Robert and even if it was at the expense of your siblings you were happy that Robert was alright and unharmed, and as joyful as ever.

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