I'm Wide Awake-Not

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Hi everyone! So, this is my first story, for people to read. I hope you all enjoy it, and I will enjoy writing it.

Tara x

Chapter One

"Alice May Rose! Get up, preferably sometime today!"

I rolled over and groaned. Great. Don't you just love Monday mornings? My alarm clock was wailing, my mother was shouting, and my head was sore. Fantastic.

In order to avoid my mother's wrath, I got up, and stumbled to the bathroom. Just my luck. A raccoon would have looked better than I did at 7 AM on a weekday morning. Dark purple circles encircled my eyes, and my hair was bushy and wild, vaguely resembling Hermione Granger's on a bad day.

"Nothing you can do about it love, so just smile and bare it!" I chirped. As if.

I stared woefully at the brand new uniform that my mother bad laid out for me. I dreaded the thought of pulling on that scratch wool jumper again. Where did the summer go? I pondered as I attempted to zip up my trousers. I should lay off the biscuits for a bit. I'd just have to hold my breath for now, and hope to God the button didn't pop.

10 minutes later, I had successfully dressed myself, and applied my make up. I don't wear a lot of the stuff, so that didn't take long. I hastily cleared my very cluttered dresser, and stuffed my books into my bag, stumbling downstairs.

My Mum was already dressed for work- if you could call it that. She was a fashion designer. She didn't need to work, she just did to entertain herself. We had enough money as it was. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't bemoaning the situation or anything.

"Mum, is Dad coming home tonight?" I was clattering around in the pantry, trying in vain to find something edible. We really needed to find more time for shopping.

"No dear, he's still working until next week." I tried to hide my disappointment as I reappeared in the kitchen, but I don't think it worked, because my Mum gave me a sympathetic smile as she walked out to the hall.

It wasn't my Dad's fault that he was never home-his demanding job required long hours of work. He was almost never around.

"Alice, the bus is here hon!" My Mum called.

I groaned. Another morning without breakfast. Yippee. I swear, my mornings just get better and better.

"Alice? Bus? School?"

"Oh yeah! See you later Mum!" O grabbed my coat, and legged it out the door before Pat lost his patience.

You might ask why I got a bus if we were so well off and all. Well, obviously, because I'm only 16 I can't drive for two years, and besides, I love taking the bus. I have the best fun with my three buddies, James, Toni, and Rachel. We have a great laugh, and it definitely is worth the getting up earlier.

My bus driver smiled at me as I sat down.

"How's it goin' Alice?"

"Not too bad Pat, thanks. I forgot the money, I'll pay you tomorrow." I went and sat down in my usual seat. I sighed. It was going to be a long day.

And at that stage, I didn't know it was about to get worse.

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