Just leave me alone, right?

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Ok, so a new chapter! Yay! a bit thank you to all the people who commented on the last chapter, you guys make me ahppy :D So, do it again?

Tara x :D

Chapter 12

His reaction was immediate.

He lifted me by the hips, and set me down on the countertop. I slid my arms around his neck, and ran them through his silky hair as his lips met mine. It was like I had been waiting for this for a very long time. I felt an explosion of tingles in my stomach as we grabbed at each other, clutching hair, shirts and whatever else came to hand. Alex kissed me over and over and over again- I lost count. I gasped as his tongue met mine in a kind of dance. Alex growled in his throat, and he slid his hands from my waist down to my hips. Oh my god, this felt so good. Mark never kissed me like this.

Oh my. Mark.

I had a moment of horror as I realised exactly who I was kissing. Alex! I didn’t even have any feelings for him, except maybe hatred. I felt the pool of guilt begin to form in my stomach, and I pushed Alex away from me. He was breathing heavily, his hair was messy (thanks to me) and his face was flushed. He stumbled backwards, and stared at me, confused.

“What did you do that for?” The look on his face would have been funny if it hadn’t been for my dire predicament. My face reddened, and I looked down.

“I-We, shouldn’t have done that.” I felt the tears beginning to form. I was an awful person. I had read countless books where heroines kissed people they weren’t meant to, and felt awful afterwards. Know I know how they felt.

Alex frowned at me.

“What do you mean, we shouldn’t have done that? You wanted it as much as I did, and you know it!” I looked up. Alex was full on glaring at me know.

“Can we just forget about it? Please?” That was the wrong thing to say. Alex turned red. Literally.

“CAN WE JUST FORGET ABOUT IT? No, Alice, we cannot just forget about it. Do you expect me to pretend it never happened? Well?” Tears were blurring my eyes at this stage, but now I was angry too.

“Well, yes! I have a boyfriend, you have a girlfriend, so we kind of have to! What did you expect me to do, declare my undying love for you or something? Well, I’m sorry, but that ain’t gonna happen!”

Alex slammed his fist down on the countertop. I whimpered, and scuttled behind it. His green eyes were stormy now. Why was he so angry? Why did he even care?

“So, if you want me to forget about it, then WHY did you kiss me?”

“WHY do you care?”


“So? You cheated on Phoenyx, might I remind you.”

“That’s beside the point, Alice.” Alex growled.

“HOW ON EARTH IS THAT BESIDE THE POINT?!” What was wrong with this guy? He was so weird.

“How is me cheating on Mark, and you cheating on Phoenyx any different, tell me that please?”


My mouth fell open. Did he just say what I think he did? Did he just admit to not liking Phoenyx? Despite my current anger and guilt, I couldn’t help the happy feeling that was spreading in the pit of my stomach. I don’t know why, it just made me enormously happy that Alex had no romantic feeling whatsoever against Phoenyx. Ha, just wait til she found out.

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