Don't tease me, please!

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This is short, I know, but it is just a filler.

P.S This chapter is dedicated to A_rainy_day, for her suberb comments, for making me feel happy, and just for generally being an amazing Wattpad friend. Thank you Kree!

Tara x

Chapter 8

“Alice? Alice? Are you ready to go?” I sighed, and trudged down the stairs with my over-night bag in my hand.

“Yes Mum. I am ready.”

It was my Mum and Dad’s wedding anniversary, so they were going to a fancy restaurant. They wanted me to stay with the Jones while they were out, and I had to sleep over, because they were going to be home late. I was horrified at the prospect of staying in the same house as Alex, but I didn’t want to ruin my parent’s evening.

“Right then! Here we go!” I think my Mum was trying to be extra cheery to lift my mood, bless her. It wasn’t working.

“Yep. Let’s go” I sighed. Someone kill me.


I heard a knock on my door, and Alex peeped his head in.

“…Oh, Toni I have to go. I’ll talk to you later. Yeah, ok. Bye!”

Alex set down a mug on my bedside locker.

“For you.”

“Yeah, thanks”

There was an awkward silence. Alex and I hadn’t really been speaking over the last week or so. Alex coughed.

“So, uh, what were you talking to Toni about then?”

I was about to tell him where to get off with his nosy questions, when a devious plan began to form in my mind. Maybe I could get a bit of revenge, seeing as Mark and I weren’t really into PDA’s. I smiled at him, and stood up.

“Well, actually, we were talking about my dress. You know, for the disco?”

Alex frowned a little.

“Okay… So what dress did you get?”

I had been hoping that he would ask that. I tried to keep a straight face.

“Oh, it’s gorgeous. It’s red, and kind of fitted, around here” I ran my hands over my chest and down over my hips very slowly. I watched Alex’s eye follow the path of my hands, and he gulped. It was working!

“And then, it comes to my knee, but it has a little surprise.”

Alex swallowed hard.

“A-a surprise?”

“Oh yes. You see, it has a slit from here-“ I pointed to my knee. “Right up along to here” and I ran my finger up to my mid thigh.  Alex’s eyes were practically hanging from his head as he watched my finger run up my thigh.

“Do you think it will look nice, Alex?”

“Oh, uh, um, yes, I think it will.”

"And I was thinking, maybe a little flower in my hair, and curls... Do you think Mark will like that Alex? Cos you know, you two are friends."

Alex growled a little. Um, what was that about? He was jealous, was he? Nah, that couldn't be it.

He smirked at me.

"Phoeynx and I are going dress shopping tomorrow for the disco. I'm booking her a hair appointment, because you know, she's my GIRLFRIEND and all."

Now it was my turn to growl. I could just imagine the look on that smug cow's face, because she had the year's It guy as her boyfriend. Not that I cared.

Alex and I stared at each other furiously for a few minutes, and then-

My phone rang, and we both jumped.

“Hey Alex, do you mind if I take this?”

“What? Oh, yes, of course” and he bolted from the room.

I pressed the answer button on my phone, and fell back on my bed, running my hand through my hair.

"Hi Mom. Yeah everything's fine...."


Later that night, I tossed around in my bed. The wind was howling outside. Ugh, what horrible weather!  I hated it when it was like this- so I kept my bedside lamp on, you know, just for, um, comfort.

As I was trying to sleep, my mind drifted to Mark. I smiled. He was such a nice guy! Just today, I had found a little red rose in my locker with a small note attached that read:

When I saw this I thought of you :)


I hugged my self happily. Could I be any luckier? I had loving parents, and a wonderful boyfriend. Life was good.

Just as I was pondering about my life, the lamp flickered and went out. I was plunged into total darkness. I freaked out completely.

Utterly and totally freaked out.



I heard Alice’s scream when the light went out.


Minutes later, I heard a pounding on my door. Jeez, the girl couldn’t even knock. I opened the door, and Alice hurtled past me, and leapt onto my bed.

“Help me!” She squealed. I completely forgot tbout our pretty intense staring match earlier, and watched Alice as she huddled herself under my blankets.

“Aw, is ickle Alice afraid of the dark?”

“Shut up, Pretty Boy.”

I sighed. It would be a LONG night.


Yah, I know. I was going to combine this chapter and the next, but I didn’t really have time to write it, so…..

I am aware that there isn’t a lot happening at the moment, but the next chapter will be a real turning point in Alice’s and Alex’s relationship. Hint, hint…. So, whoever guesses what is going to happen, or closest, will get a dedication.

Thank you, my lovely readers!

Tara x

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