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Cassidy began to walk on her own for a little bit. She balanced her self on a wooden table and looked up and saw the same man from her nightmares. The others couldn't see it, only she could. "Hmmm. I don't know about, Cassie, but I think that your believe they actually won! Hahahahahaha, can you believe that? Oh, when will they ever learn?" The illusion said as it walked around the store. Cassidy tried ignoring it but it seemed impossible. "Your trying to fight it? Oh, don't be such a party pooper! Come on, come on, give in to it. You know you want to," Cassidy eyes began turning more green and veins began appearing on her neck. The illusion continued, "its what you need! Do it!" Cassidy shook her head and began breathing heavily as the illusion disappeared. "Cassie? Cassie?!" Cassidy looked back up to see Logan standing right in front of her. "Hey, you all right?" He asked putting his hand on her shoulder. Her eyes began turning back to a brownish color and the veins slowly disappeared from her neck. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired, that's all." She responded. Logan sat her down in chair right by the door and he got on one knee in front of her. He looked her in the eyes and said, "Damien told me that you were exposed to the fear toxin back in Europe. Tell me, what did you see, in your nightmare?" Asked Logan. Cassidy looked down at the floor and remained silent for a few seconds. She began having flashbacks of that night in the asylum. She didn't wish to reveal the truth about what she saw but she also didn't want to lie to Logan. She picked her words carefully and said, "I...i saw the people I love dying. I saw them ripping each other apart and I was powerless to stop them from destroying each other." Logan kissed Cassidy on the forehead and looked into her eyes and said, "whatever you saw in that nightmare, it isn't real. Me and Laura are still here, your family is still around." Cassidy saw Laura walking around the store looking for supplies. "I-I was terrified. I couldn't do anything to stop it!" She said. Logan wrapped his arms around Cassidy and held onto her. "Relax. It wasn't real and you know that! Everyone is still here and alive, I promise you." Said Logan. Cassidy began to calm down a little more. Damien walked up towards them and said, "hate to break up the reunion, but we got to get going. The revenants won't give up that easily!" Logan got back to his feet along with Cassidy. They walked out the door of the gas station and headed towards the cars. Ezekiel was working on Logan's car.

Broken 3: One last rideWhere stories live. Discover now