Trouble at Olympus

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  • Dedicated to My mother, Kathleen

Just when I thought the guy couldn't get any worse, he got worse.

Every other year or so, the campers took an overnight trip to Olympus.

This was one of those years.

All of us were lined up at the edge of the forest. Chiron blew a whistle and seemed to be waiting for something. The seven of us from the prophecy were all standing near each other on the grass.

"Aren't you excited?" asked Piper, a look of eagerness on her face. "We're going to meet all the gods, and eat godly food, and do godly things..." Piper sighed. "I can't wait!" 

We all smiled at her eagerness. I was excited to be staying at Olympus, but Piper had never been there before and she wasn't used to it, like I was. Her happiness seemed to seep out of her and spread all over the place. The only people not smiling were Nico and some of the kids from the Ares cabin. You could never seem to get them to be happy. Well, the Ares cabin gets happy when they get new weapons and play war games, but that's about it.

Jason put his arm around Piper. "This will be amazing," he assured her.

"Hey Annabeth babe," said a voice behind me. I bubbled with anger. Just when I got excited, Logan had to come and ruin it. 

Me and Annabeth span around. "Don't call me babe," said Annabeth. "I have a boyfriend."

"Yes, yes you do," Logan said. He smirked in that devilish way of his. "But he'll be gone soon, you watch. Then you'll have no choice but to fall in love with me."

He made his eyes big and vulnerable looking, and tilted his head to the side a little ways. He was trying to charm us, but that wouldn't work.

"Leave them alone Logan," said Hazel. "They're none of your business." Hazel gave him her best death glare. I think it was supposed to be intimidating, but it didn't work on me, so I was sure it wouldn't work on Logan.

His icy blue eyes rested on Hazel. Those eyes were so blue that it gave me the creeps. "How cute," said in a tone that one would use to talk to children. He crouched down a little bit. "Are you standing up for your little friendsies little girl?" he remarked in a mocking tone.

I hated this guy more and more. Hazel wasn't a little girl, and she certainly didn't act like one. She was tough, daring and she was even tall for her age. Frank came to her aid.

"Don't talk to Hazel like that!" he yelled, infuriated. "Do it again, and I'll crush you like a bug!"

"Yeah and how are you doing to do that little baby man?" asked Logan. I don't know why Logan calls him that. Frank is big and muscular-looking and he dosen't look like a baby. At least not anymore...

"Now's not the time, but you'll see," promised Frank. "You'll see all right." Logan didn't know about Frank's shape-shifting ability. No one had bothered to tell him. I secretly hoped that it would be the last thing that he ever finds out.

Logan rolled his eyes and walked over to his friends form the Hermes cabin. He was undetermined, so he had had to stay with them for the past two weeks. He spent his first week here at Camp-Half Blood completely unconscious. I wish he had stayed that way.

"That guy annoys me," said Jason. He was staring after Logan in a superior manner.

"I agree," said the rest of us at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed. Laughed until our stomachs hurt.

Suddenly, a shadow fell upon the camp. A big, yellow school bus was coming down from the sky.

"Is that Apollo's sun bus?" asked Nico. I jumped. He seemed to just materialize out of the air sometimes and it freaked me out.

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