I make some Enemies

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Logan's friends weren't too happy with me for getting him in trouble with Zeus.

Chiron had convinced Zeus to not zap Logan out of the sky after about two hours of thunderstorms and yelling.

Whenever I passed one of Logan or his 'followers', they would glare and shake their heads at me. If one of my friends was with me, they would ask them if they had a problem. Logan's followers eventually left me alone, but Logan sure didn't. He tried even harder to get me in trouble.

One time, there was an flood by the lake. Where sand used to be, there was water. Since I was the one who could control water, everyone blamed me. Of course, I didn't do it, but I had to fix it. I saw Logan smirking at me while I fixed the flood. I'm positive that he had to do with this.

Almost everyone in camp who was new, or just supported Logan, hated me. 

A lot of campers who didn't know me, but was there when I defeated Gaea supported me, but quite a few were uneasy around me. Of course, Chiron thought that I must have caused the water accident, but didn't interrogate me about it. He thought I had been through enough already.                                          

Of course, the water fountain accident wasn't the last of it. Almost every day, this guy caused some water related accident, so the campers thought I did it,  or he framed me for something. 

I saw him trying to convince other campers to believe him and not me, but he only got a few. Pretty much everyone at the camp still loved me for saving them from Gaea. They admired me and the other six demigods. 

Whenever I got in trouble, my friends backed me up. It worked some of the time, but not always. Chiron and Mr.D had to punish me sometimes, so it wouldn't look like I was favored by them. I mean, I was favored by Chiron, but he dosen't want the others thinking that. Mr.D just tolerated me.

I had to scrub toilets, clean up after meals, give tours to new campers, clean up the monster-sized dung of Mrs.O'leary and more. And what sucks? Logan only got caught twice, but evaded punishment both times. Including the trip to Olympus when he knocked over Zeus's throne.

I was punished so many times, that almost all of the camp thought I was just a lucky demigod who had issues. There were only about 20 of us who still believed I was good. 

Logan got most of the campers to like him by charming them up. He complimented them, did their work for them, and got them onto his side. He even went into the woods almost every night. I'm guessing he was trying to charm them too.

He also still wouldn't leave Annabeth alone. She swatted him away now, or just said "Leave me alone," because she got tired of judo-flipping him every time he approached her. I was getting tired of trying to get him away from Annabeth too, so I just let her handle him on her own.

One day, a kid from the Hermes cabin up to me. He seemed frantic and kept looking around, like he was being afraid of being caught. "Hey Percy," he said as he walked up to me. I was just heading toward lunch, and was kind of annoyed, because I was hungry. "What?' I asked him.

"It's Logan," he said. I stopped in my tracks. Now I was interested.

"I sleep in a bunk near his, and he keeps mumbling in his sleep. He keeps mumbling about revenge on well, you," he admitted. I raised my eyebrows. I knew that Logan hated me, but I wanted to know why. I hoped this kid had the answers. 

"He kept mumbling something that sounded like, um, I know this sounds silly but, it sounded like he was saying "yes, master Iapetus."

I jolted back in surprise. Bob was calling himself Iapetus? What was this about Logan working for him? A sick feeling came over me. What if Bob had gotten his memory back and wanted revenge on me for erasing it? I shook my head. The Hermes kid could've heard wrong, or it could've just been a dream. But demigod dreams were rarely just dreams.

"Thanks," I mumbled to the Hermes kid, and headed to lunch. I got dirty looks from other campers on the way. But now I knew I couldn't eat. I had lost my appetite.

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